19 Apr 2023

free! Some take it to mean, the riches of the glory of the inheritance that comes from God and is enjoyed among the saints. In other words, they take it to be a prayer that we would come to know all of the spiritual blessings that God has given to us. The soul, as is written, The soul of man is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. John D. Rockefeller was the worlds first billionaire. The discoveries youll make, the understanding you will glean, the gifts of praise, the expression of even frustrated prayer will affect you for the next zillion years. Ischus - 10 times in the NT translated: might, 5; power, 1; strength, 4. Morning and Evening, Spurgeon - In the resurrection of Christ, as in our salvation, there was put forth nothing short of a divine power. Illustration - In 218 b.c. New International Dictionary of NT Theology. (Ephesians Through Revelation). God is far more involved with His universe than some would like to think. Don't miss out on this "once in a lifetime" opportunity! Third is kratos (strength), which may also be translated dominion (1 Ti 6:16) or power (Heb. You cannot do anything for your salvation, but you must do something to manifest it, you must work out what God has worked in. Not with corruptible things, as with silver and gold, but with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (1Pe 1:18-19), the Lord's portion has been fully redeemed. It is a source of strength and stability amid the trials of life (1 Peter 3:1415). Ephesians 1:19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. We are God's very special possession - His glorious inheritance. In summary, Paul is praying for one of the things these believers need to fully understand and to deeply realize -- the hope of God's calling. 1:4). 2 Corinthians 4:6+ For God, Who said, Light shall shine out of darkness, (Ge 1:2-3-commentary) is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. No, not at all. Software Full Name: Adobe Premiere Pro 2023. Romans 8:28-30 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1Cor. The inability to see and understand spiritual things is not the fault of the intelligence but of the heart. We have the case of Elisha when the Syrian army was sent to Dothan to take him captive. Perhaps it is because many of us assume in advance how the meeting will go. There is no power shortage, just a shortage of our understanding of what we possess in Christ. What did Paul ask? Help Them To Achieve (Ephesians 1:15-23) - Newspaper columnist Jean Calmen once wrote about a teacher she called Miss K. In her youth, Calmen had been a student of Miss K's, so she sent the teacher a copy of a column she was especially proud of. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. God had placed a call on Pauls life from the moment he was converted (Acts 9:1516). Proverbs 20:27The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost parts of his being. In short, Paul prays for our position in Christ to become our practice in Christ. (ED: AKA AS NOT "ABIDING IN CHRIST!" He will win for Himself a great name, as He turns thy desert places into gardens, and makes thy wildernesses blossom as the rose. What (5101) (tis) is singular in contrast to the next clause regarding "riches" which is introduced with "what are" which is plural. Exodus It seems to be parenthetical, as in the KJV, ASV, and RSV (ED: NRSV = "so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened"). Observe, Those who have their eyes opened, and have some understanding in the things of God, have need to be more and more enlightened, and to . The giant trees are cut down; and their roots burnt out, or extracted by a team of horses. Some commentators see His inheritance as a reference to believers, who are Gods inheritance or special possession (Eph 1:14). This thought is too great to fully comprehend in this life! Will Pauls prayer be answered in your life? So if youre having problems in your Christian life, if things dont seem to be working as they should, maybe its time to go back and read the owners manual! It was Paul who rejoiced in the confident hope that we have in Christ Jesus and he longed that others too would come to a real understanding of the incomparable riches of His grace which is expressed in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus, and so Paul prays that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which God has called us - the riches of His glorious inheritance in US - His holy, called-out people. So even though many of the translations are not perfectly accurate to the Gree, they all retain the essence of Paul's desire for the saints to "know" these three things beyond a shadow of a doubt. Again, Paul piles up words to describe Gods power. This magnificent accumulation of words for power underscores the magnitude of Gods great power available to Christians. The practical application of this is that your salvation does not rest on your choosing Christ, but rather on His choosing you. That's why Calmen was disappointed when her aging teacher responded with a handwritten note that said, "I was aware of the fact that you were intelligent, but I never thought that someday I would be reading articles from your pen in the newspaper." Acts 16:14+ A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened (dianoigo) her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul. He said that we never form adequate conceptions of the treasure of the gospel, or if we do, we cant persuade ourselves that these things pertain to us, because they are so far from what we experience. If God can raise Jesus from the dead, God can provide all that is promised to the believer. The text is clear! These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. Why? 6:9; 7:9; 8:7; Joel 2:22; Amos 2:14; 3:11; 5:9; 6:13; Mic. 14:13, 17; 24:18; Deut. Peter saysThink it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you. Rise to the occasion; do the thing. Psalms 119:130 The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. Amen! Perhaps you can remember three words to capture this message: resurrection power now. Well, look, its the power that he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead. Because of this event, the believer can have assurance that the same powerthe immeasurable power of Godis working on his behalf today and will continue to provide what he needs until he arrives in heaven. In 1:18-19, he elaborates on what that means, namely, that God wants us to know three essentials about our salvation that will give us assurance about our high calling as Gods people. But I do more than thank. 15:16; 1Sa 16:7; 1 Ki. The person who has received Christ is a new creation. This seemed to me very extraordinary. He bought the world to get the treasure. Resurrection Power. Ezra 9:8 But now for a brief moment grace has been shown from the LORD our God, to leave us an escaped remnant and to give us a peg in His holy place, that our God may enlighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our bondage. (1Jn 5:13+), Comment: A T Robertson writes that eidomeans "to know with settled intuitive knowledge. 22:14). Although Paul wrote his letter in Greek, he was steeped in the Hebrew Biblethat is, the Old Testament. Paul wrote (Phil. For there is a difference between ability (dunamin) and strength (ischuo). All of these pieces of armor must be put on with prayer (v.18). Paul asks that the blessing imparted by God the Father ( Eph 1:3 ) to the Ephesians will be strengthened in them through the message of the gospel ( Eph 1:13 , 17 - 19 ). A relation of rest; 'in, ' at, on, by, etc. Thus chosen, purchased, and subdued, the rights of our divine possessor are inalienable: we rejoice that we never can be our own; and we desire, day by day, to do his will, and to show forth his glory. And all the crops of golden grain, all the fruits of Christian grace, are Thine from us, because Thou hast by thy blood and tears, by the sunshine of thy love, and the rain of thy grace, enriched natures which in themselves were arid as the desert and barren as the sand. A ministry that is College-trained but not Spirit-filled works no miracles. The Christian Church is precious to God. The hope that your effectual calling instills is grounded in Gods promises and in Christs accomplishments (1 Peter 1:3), and is characterized by confidently expecting and yet patiently waiting for those promises to be fulfilled. NIDNTT says that in classical Greek the root word "kleros is derived from klao, break. The devil hopes you don't understand this. Have you ever wondered why church prayer meetings tend to have low turnouts? Comment: Here they would see and they would know beyond a shadow of a doubt about Jesus' authority. Revival and blessing come to the church when we stop looking at a picture of God and look at God Himself! There is the general call of the gospel that goes out to all people. 3:21; Col. 2:12; 2 Thess. That call became his motivating force. A day is as a thousand years. 1:18). At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. Here is the inexhaustible strength of God in taking His crucified Son who was dead and buried, and raising Him from among the dead to His present majestic position in heaven. The only aim of the life is that the Son of God may be manifested, and all dictation to God vanishes. Malachi The gospel itself is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Rom. Copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Second, this enlightenment comes to the heart of the believer (Eph. Why is there so little power when God states that He has given us His Divine power? Eph. Memorize Ephesians 1:3 and 2 Peter 1:3 and recite them often as anthems of praise for the Lords abundant grace. Instead, it is powertowardus (Ephesians 1:19ESV, emphasis added). If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at privacy@biblegateway.com. 3:17; 6:41; 13:20; 20:6, 12; 25:6; 26:13; 28:6; 35:19; Neh. Do we not remember that glorious hour when He carried our hearts by storm? (NLT - Tyndale House), Phillips: that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realise how great is the hope to which He is calling you - the magnificence and splendour of the inheritance promised to Christians - (Phillips: Touchstone), Wuest: the eyes of your heart being in an enlightened state with a view to your knowing what is the hope of His calling, what is the wealth of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,(Eerdmans Publishing- usedby permission), Young's Literal: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, for your knowing what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. The prayer moves from God and Christ (Eph 1:17, 20-21) to the Ephesians (Eph 1:17-19) and the church (Eph 1:22-23). In either case Pauls point is clear: redemption and its accompanying blessings are so profound that we must have supernatural help to understand them. Together we can help each other achieve great things for Him. 2:4): strength of sin (1 Cor. Psalm 18:28 For You light my lamp; The LORD my God illumines my darkness. These things are brought about by the power of God for the believer. So the dynamo of Christian living is within the believer because God is within the believer. To summarize, Paul prayed that we would come to know God more intimatelyin order that we might know the wealth of His glorious inheritance in the saints. | GotQuestions.org, What does God mean when He says, Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit (Zechariah 4:6)? 1:19; Eph. I ask - ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory - to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, 4:10; 8:10; Esther 4:17; 10:2; Job 4:2; 5:5; 6:11f, 22, 25; 9:19; 12:16; 16:5; 23:6; 26:2, 12; 30:2, 18; 31:24, 39; 36:5, 19, 22; 37:23; 39:11, 21; 40:16; Ps. But glance first at Ephesians 1:17-18. Consequently it should fill you with joy (Rom. The gold and the silver and all the universes are His. 8:32) assures you that He wont withhold lesser things, and consequently youll not tend to worry about earthly needs. The Kleronomos is one who has been given a kleros, the inheritor. Slain because of our sins. Pray Ephesians 1:17-19 (and other Pauline prayers). When a person is aware of that call and surrenders to it, he or she starts living out Gods purpose for him or her (seeJeremiah 1:45;Isaiah 49:1;Galatians 1:15). The surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. (Drawing Near: Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith), John MacArthur - MAINTAINING A CLEAR PERSPECTIVE. 1:3; 2:1; 3:9; Hab. Rather, if we are the called according to Gods purpose, then we know that He is actively working all things together for our good, both in time and in eternity (Rom. Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. This sense comes out clearly in the New Testament in the use of the word and of its cognates. She discusses her burden with her pastor and her spiritual mentor. Dunamis is, however, mostly power in action, as in the frequent use of dunamis for miracles, mighty works, they being exhibitions of divine virtue. The grassland yields pasture to the cattle; and there is not a square inch of the enclosed territory that does not minister to the needs of the new proprietor. The same continuous current of His mighty power stands available to the faithful, to all who will believe. The deadline for submitting an application for a higher pension has been extended to May 3 from March 3.. Employees who were in service prior to September 1, 2014, and continued to be in service . Modern maps containing the results Of the explorations of Livingstone, Stanley, Burton, tell another story of river, Savannah, tableland, and of myriads of inhabitants. Paul applies this truth that we are God's inheritance in his letter to the Corinthians writing Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Galatians 2 Thessalonians 2:16Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace. We have His "seal" on us, and more accurately within us in the presence of His Holy Spirit. In a figurative sense, kleronomia refers to God's promised salvation, gifts, and benefits as our inheritance (which is the use in Eph 5:5-note) and eternal possession for every believer. Because he wants the field? Herein lies the means of victory! Salem Media Group. Proud member Others are called to be pastors, teachers, worship leaders, Bible translators, or to a host of other avenues that honor the Lord. Wiersbe - In the prison prayers of Paul (Eph. Inheritance (2817) (kleronomiafrom kleros = a lot + nemo = to distribute) (see study of related Kleronomos) (see second word study kleronomia) is originally a portion which one receives by lot in a general distribution. The "heart" in Scripture speaks of the very center and core of one's life, the seat of thoughts and moral judgments. This is why Paul prayed for the eyes of their hearts to really understand these truths. ", Colossians 1:29 records Paul's testimony: "I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.". Dunamis does not refer to explosive power, as if the gospel will blow men to bits but as discussed above, it refers to intrinsic power. 1:6; Rev. For example, Jesus said that evil thoughts come out of the heart (Matt. Is it not in the resurrection of those who were dead in trespasses and sins from their spiritual stupor and separation from God, releasing them from the shackles of sin and subservience to Satan and setting them free in Christ? 12)? Not only that, but it is all the power we are ever offered or could ever have. Thats why he prayed for our enlightenment (Eph 1:18). This time, Jonah did. The power which is really at work in Christian men to-day is in its nature properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might- Paul piles one word upon another in this incredible description. With that thought in mind a more accurate rendering is that of Wuest who has "the eyes of your heart being in an enlightened state with a view to your knowing what is the hope of His calling." Rom. 3:20). It is according to the working (energeian, energetic power, from which comes the Eng. The hope of His calling points to the certain eternal destiny and future glory of the saints, and especially the fact that these mortal bodies will but on immortality and will forever be like Christ (cf 1Co 15:53+, Ro 8:29-30+ where "glorified" is past tense it is so certain!, Php 3:21+, 1Jn 3:2+). I suppose its all right to pray for that addition to a new Sunday School wing. What is the difference between kleros and kleronomia (in the context of the uses in the Septuagint)? We can read the promises of God and be certain of Gods ability to fulfill those promises, even those of redemption, resurrection, andglorification. Or the funds to go on the radio. 15-19Thats why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldnt stop thanking God for youevery time I prayed, Id think of you and give thanks. And remember that this "spiritual journey" is not an "arrival" in this life but is a life long journey (sanctification), albeit it is a journey which is "motivated" by the hope (guaranteed assurance 1Jn 3:2+) of our final arrival one day in the future in twinkling of an eye (glorification - 1Cor 15:52+). From the base of dokeo; glory, in a wide application. to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called". Romans We have been called by grace, to glory. It is not as under the laws of primogeniture, that one child takes all, while the younger children are dismissed with meagre allowances. 1 Timothy BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. I, Paul, am under Gods plan as an apostle, a special agent of Christ Jesus, writing to you faithful believers in Ephesus. In Ephesians 1:14+ (cf Eph 1:11) Paul spoke of our inheritance, but here the request seems to speak of God's inheritance in believers. How much spiritual strength is available for me in my daily life? it is the satisfaction of God's people to believe in this exalting truth that he chooses their inheritance for them. -- Maclaren, Alexander Maclaren - It is 'exceeding.' God may. ), Paul wants us to get a glimpse of our glorious future so that we will live in light of it right now. The heart was the seat of understanding. Not a portion of but proportionate to! That men might know the measure of Gods power. Our faith in Christ did not originate with our feeble will, but with the sovereign, eternal will of God. We were designed before the foundation of the world to be His workmanship, glorifying Him as we bring forth the fruit He desires (Ephesians 1:45;2:10). | GotQuestions.org, How much power does Satan possess? The Message Compact Bible--soft leather-look, black, The Message//REMIX 2.0, Purple Swirl - Imperfectly Imprinted Bibles, The Message Deluxe Gift Bible--soft leather-look, amethyst gem, The Message of Hope: Discover Meaning and Purpose for Your Life - eBook. 1:18). Mark Certainly, there is always the danger of spiritual pride that comes from thinking that you know more than others know. But wholly lean on Jesus name. We are called by God to salvation. | GotQuestions.org, The Immeasurable Greatness of His Power Toward Us, Hurley, V. Speaker's Sourcebook of New Illustrations Dallas: Word Publishers, having been called "with a holy" (2 Timothy 1:9, out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles (Romans 9:24, through the "gospel" that we "may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2Th 2:14, and be brought "into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord" (1Cor 1:9, and return in triumph "with Him" at the end of this age (Revelation 17:14. | GotQuestions.org, What does the Bible say about the power of words? That never can. 2:14). We have been called by grace, to glory. The church is Christs body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence. BGT . The new has come, Now I have resurrection power living on the inside Oswald Chambers -The habit of rising to the occasion. (seeEphesians Through Revelation), Complete Biblical Library - This power always operates "in Christ." The power of God is most neglected resource in the Church. I want this day to be as a thousand years for you. 7:35; 2 Ki. 18:1; Rev. In conclusion, is supernatural power that is in actual operation. (A Day's Journey: 365 Daily Meditations from the Word). 6:10-13). Open the compasses of your faith to measure this measureless abyss; and then marvel at the power which bore your Lord across it, and know that that same power is towards you, if you believe, waiting to do as much for you in your daily experience if you will but let it have its blessed way. The invitation goes out to everyone: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. But many ignore the invitation or make up excuses for why they cannot respond. Paul Rader, former wrestler and boxer, became one of the most powerful evangelists of the early 20th century. It refers to a degree which exceeds extraordinary and thus excels. | GotQuestions.org, How can we rely on the power of God? He finally disembarked his troops from a lack of support at home. That power works in every one of us, as I stand before you. The inscription is in Eph 1:1, in which the author of the epistle puts his name, declares his office, and how he came into it; and describes the persons to whom he wrote it, by their religious characters, and the place of their abode. Kleronomia compounded from kleros and nemo, allot, is first the activity of dividing by lot, then the portion so divided, the inheritance. spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." No sooner has the emigrant reached his estate, than he commences to prospect it. It is these riches that we must seek, enjoy, and use to glorify their sourceour heavenly Father.Dave Branon (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. The Lord, however, says, Not so fast. Also the verb ischuooIt is good for nothing (Mt. And what is - And is a connective, which signifies that a word or part of a sentence is to be added to what precedes. 13:9; Heb 5:11), taste (Ps. The power of God that was wrought, by God in Christ works in me. God's people do not fight for victory but from victory! None of us has to live a defeated life. They propagate self-effort and introspective meditation, but spiritual enlightenment doesnt come through such means. Long before he laid down earths foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. 17:6; Ezek. The wealthy devoted their treasure to the cause, and all classes sacrificed everyday amenities for troops in the field. But heaven seems so far away, you say. This seems to be a confirmation, but she continues to ask the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5). Out of nothing, nothing comes, is the usual rule. He makes supplication for the continued growth of the Ephesians in knowledge (Ephesians 1:1719a) and explains truth regarding the power and position of Christ, including the subjection of all things to Christ (verses 19b23). Acts 26:18+ to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.. Obadiah For less than $5/mo. Why? They use laser beams to read songs encoded on the disk. The, the definite article. Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, our need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey, Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, 2002 Edition, Ephesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Ephesians 1:15-23 Possessing the Possessions in Christ, The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian, Brown, Colin, Editor. For less than $5/mo. Thus we know that He will fulfill all of His promises to us. And he prays for you to understand the surpassing greatness of that truth. It is only as God's Spirit illuminates our mind that we actually can truly know the spiritual truth He wants us to know. (See the Three Tenses of Salvation), Lehman Strauss- And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe (1:19). Arriving at the church the next day, he found a seat behind a large pillar. Numbers It is exceeding great power, beyond the furthest cast of thought (such is the literal rendering of the word, employed here). What does the Bible say about how much power Christians possess? I make the best my goal; Kardia in Ephesians - Eph. In accordance (2596) (kata) not out of but according to. A. (Eph 1:18ESV) Notice how this rendering places the emphasis on God as the One Who "inherits"! Leviticus Literally eido/oida refers to perception by sight (perceive, see) as in Mt 2:2+"Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? If youre not happy at this moment, neither will you be with a change of location, salary, or ministry. When He placed his cross against the wall, and scaled our ramparts, planting on our strongholds the blood-red flag of his omnipotent mercy? THOUGHT -Is your heart tender to the Word of God? I PRAY THAT THE EYES OF YOUR HEART MAY BE ENLIGHTENED: pephotismenous (RPPMPA) tous ophthalmous tes kardias [humon] : Psalms 119:18+ Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. In other words, we are Gods possession, purchased by the blood of Christ. I askask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of gloryto make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust himendless energy, boundless strength! Ephesians 4:1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called. TECHNICAL NOTE - Note that the KJV translated from the Greek Textus Receptus (the NASB, ESV, et al are from the Nestle-Aland Greek) does not have "heart" (kardia) but has the word "understanding" which in the is the noun dianoia an old word for the faculty of understanding. Suggestions for Prayer: Pray for greater spiritual enlightenment and a clearer understanding of your security in Christ. 2:12) as, strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.. Paul says that hope ultimately is a person "Christ Jesusour hope" (1Timothy 1:1, cp Col 1:27+). 15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that . (Ephesians 5:18+) The filling of the Holy Spirit will result in power for service with souls being won to Christ and Christians growing in grace and knowledge. It is power which is able to overcome resistance. Hope in Scripture is the absolute certainty of future good. To say it another way, Paul prayed that believers would know the hope, inheritance and power not in their head but in their hearts, the very essence of their being. ", Toward (1519) (eis) motion toward = marking that which any person or thing inclines toward (in this case genuine belief). 4:4, 6). Observe that the power which raised Christ from the dead was glorious. (Drawing Near: Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith), John MacArthur- UNDERSTANDING YOUR CALLING. Those for whom Paul is praying were once "spiritually blind" darkened in their understanding, (Eph 4:18) walking around in "spiritual darkness" as he reminded them of later writing that "you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (Eph 5:8-note). 26:20; Num. (Brown, Colin, Editor.

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ephesians 1:18 the message