19 Apr 2023

When the pineal gland is fully open we experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we leave it behind. 2. Awakening of the Mind. Your bodies not only absorb Light for its own change but also acts as a transducer decoder of higher light energies to the planet as a whole. . However, it doesnt hurt to reassess the principles we stand for to make sure that we are standing up for the right things in life. This can be a gradual process that happens over many lifetimes, or it can happen more rapidly through intense inner work and attunement with spirit. var _wau = _wau || []; _wau.push(["classic", "egtq69mrk0ps", "fdr"]); Emily is the founder, CEO, and writer for AglowLifestyle.A self-proclaimed "lifelong learner", Emily has combined her love of writing with her passion for spirituality to bring you the best articles on the law of attraction, manifestation, affirmations, and more. At this point, the ascension symptoms are beginning to make their way into your life and it is really throwing you through a loop. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. If youre feeling called to deepen your ascension journey, here are 5 stages you may experience. Discomfort, Aches and Pains. You are a being of infinite potential, and its time to start living like it. We may go back and forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go - there is no turning back and all must be released. The key here is to not resist whatever emotion or mood you are currently thrown. In this state, youre flowing with bliss and ease, youre naturally serving others, and you continue to grow and ascend. Intense symptoms remain and exhaustion comes and goes in bouts, but does start to lift for longer durations. Youre feeling a deep sense of peace and love. It continues to rise into your third eye, opening your psychic sight or intuition. Pressure at the forehead or back or the head is due to the opening of the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light, when these glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level, aging and death cease. Learn more about how you can access every premium Meditation and Angelic Activation now! Search within Editors' Choice. Together, we are creating the new paradigm of earth where we all are Christed, awakened beings living in harmony, raising the vibration of this planet and truly loving life. Here Spirit determines our income, our work, other beings in our lives, everything. You know you are on the right path. seem normal and natural to us. Secondly as many are enthusiastic and joyous at these changes, I would like to cover practical things that we can consciously do to build and increase the Light quotient in our own bodies. This is when you are done rocking the boat in your life and things begin to settle down. Chest pains (angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy fields. Change is rapid and many feel tired. You will become more sensitive to things such as noise, temperature, and even taste. To learn more about Heart Illumination click here. You will truly feel the sense of oneness with the universe that everyone talks so highly of. The planet goes to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in total Mastery. (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; The 9th is where we begin to hook up to our. 4. All magical, occult, and religious orders have defined several and sometimes peculiar levels of power, consciousness, and wisdom through which one can evolve. Youll see the world in a new light, and youll be able to let go of all the baggage thats been holding you back. We tap into our inherent wisdom and power, and we start to live more from our authentic selves. 7 Ascension Stages Revealed. You will be at your lowest wondering where you went wrong. We realize the habitual nature of thinking and behavior and look at de-programming and re-programming to create the I we wish to be, not the I we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers and society etc. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic Spectrum of Frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and . You may find it hard to find words to express yourself as you may think in geometries and tones. Beings oscillate between knowing and doubt. And ironically, the only way to enlighten the soul is to go through so much darkness. The actual birth is the taking of the first . Twelfth level the continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World systems hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into existence new governments, new financial and educational systems, better system of food and resource allocation etc. 12. Chest pains (angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy fields. PHASE I: Spiritual Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding Ancient Text / Spiritual Teachings / Free Will Universe / Law of One / Ascension "Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul." In Phase 1, we seek to explore ancient spiritual texts, spiritual teachings, and concepts of thought leaders. The main aims of the twin flame relationship are to enjoy divine love and . Most flu epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Ultimately, each phase must be integrated a process that can take many lifetimes. These are all things we must face before being able to truly achieve ascension. Because of this, it is important to be careful about how you use marijuana on the path to spiritual growth. Youre having more visions and dreams than usual. The mental body begins to wonder if it really is in charge and individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow spirit without hesitation. This is done in such a way that maintains harmony within you and with, You wish to be purely of Service. Increased intuition - gut feelings in the pit of your stomach, a deep sense of knowing without physical evidence that something's not right, a deep fight or flight, flee response to 'dangerous' situations. This is a golden age thats vibrant, awakened, crystalline, and entirely new. Crystal regulators in the etheric body keep lines of light within the 5th dimensional blueprint from connecting again until you are ready. MORE. Face every dark memory. - the continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World systems - hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into existence new governments, new financial and educational systems, better system of food and resource allocation etc. Our energy fields are infused with and realigned to Light gradually or else we would experience electrical burn out. We may go back and forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go there is no turning back and all must be released. Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads; Within Results. Dear readers, were curious! Rumble It is a multi-faceted experience that each person undergoes in unique ways. Youre feeling more connected to others. Youre beginning to understand more of who you really are and how you can give back to the world. There are many different paths to spiritual ascension, but they all typically involve progressing through five distinct stages. After all, not everyone is on the same spiritual journey as you are. All Posts ; Featured Posts ; 0 . Whether it be to new people or to new ideas, your doors should be left wide open for growth. It is, as the title suggests, about reaching . While many experience nightmares, there is a small percentage of people who get heavenly dreams. You embody the Christ template, which is your awakened self. It's best to drink filtered water to avoid exposure to chemicals and other impurities. Individuals may get lashes of telepathy, clairvoyance and nearly all begin to experience empathy. Spiritual ascension is the awakening of the soul. It is possible for this to be a slow process that takes place over the course of many lives, or it is possible for it to occur more quickly via intensive inner effort and attunement with spirit. This is the dissolution of the ego-self and while ecstatic, it can be most painful. There is no separation and you will fully manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth and express the ecstasy of Spirit. You might be in the process of spiritual ascension. The peace and quiet that you get from your alone time are integral in the awakening of your soul. The more understanding you can bring to what is essentially a, Phase two is marked by what appear to be mild flu symptoms, as well as extreme tiredness and bouts of physical weakness. Ascension is a wonderful process that will lead to radical changes in the way you think, act, and interact with others. The spiritual 5th Dimension has quickly become everyone's new hope in life. Twin flame ascension comes after the runner and chaser stage of the union. Vision and hearing are being realigned to function differently. Seeking: Following the path. What does spiritual ascension mean? You'll begin to notice others may be jealous of you however you'll have zero animosity, anger, or jealous thoughts concerning others. The first ascension stage is self-examination. You begin to unhook from 3D conditioning and mentality, You mainly attract others into your life of a similar vibration to your own. The last three levels unify all energy fields, all chakras are unified and you become totally connected to your I AM. Your email address will not be published. As you progress through the ascension levels, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose and enlightenment, and merge . Chest pains are due to the expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels. The roles of these beings are ultimately varied, as you'll find out. are instantaneous. Lucid dreams, and dj vu become increasingly frequent. Existing as a dual being is quite the task, especially when you reach new levels of spiritual awareness and you experience spiritual ascension, or a deeper awakening to your own spiritual existence. Currently, the 5 th Dimension is the goal for humanity to ascend to and is available for us all to move into while still inhabiting a physical body. (& What If You Break One) - Individualogist. Re-evaluation may be uncomfortable but we feel it must be done - we look at our relationships, jobs, home environment, living styles, it is a time of letting go, of moving on. You may perform some yoga exercises, take salt baths, or even sound baths to restore your energy balance. Ascension is about rising above old habits, beliefs, mindsets, and limits, etc. Phase 5. Re-evaluation may be uncomfortable but we feel it must be done we look at our relationships, jobs, home environment, living styles, it is a time of letting go, of moving on. Your physical body may change, Your human Consciousness is fundamentally aligned with SOURCE Consciousness. Throughout the ascension process, and especially during times of accelerated change, with surges of high vibrational light frequency, you may experience certain ascension symptoms. So, thought you may be struggling and confused at this time, Know that your future holds the following in Your Heaven on Earth, maybe even before the final push. The second death on the inner planes of life is the nearest equivalent I can think of to what we call "Ascension." Physical Ascension itself is a new phenomenon in the physical universe. Often old relationships end or change rapidly as Being's dig deep and honour their feelings - there is simply no room for denial on any level. Feelings of detachment from the world are a common sign of spiritual ascension. DNA is no longer 2 strand but 12 strand; teleportation, manifestation etc. 9th level is surrender and then ecstasy; the letting go of the "I" - we realise that while free will is real it is also an illusion as it only there to guide us and to empower us to be One with Spirit. We call it spiritual ascension. You may experience some ascension symptoms as you go through this process of spiritual awakening.However, these ascension symptoms are not inevitable and are not caused by the ascension . "There's always another level up. Lucid dreams,, As a result of the tremendous chemical and electromagnetic changes taking place within your brain you may suffer from headaches, blurred vision, weakened eyesight or hearing difficulties. You are beginning to see the world for what it really is. From stage one, you move onto stage two. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself and follow your heart. Remember that it is a different experience for every person, so you shouldnt be comparing your journey to those around you. Youre probably wondering what to expect and whats the point of going through such an experience. We suddenly become more aware of the world around us and whats happening spiritually. Instagram Even if its not for work, wouldnt you want to rest in a clean, refreshing space? Enter Your Email Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! Physical changes in your body may unfold as you open and prepare to embody more light and a higher frequency of consciousness. 8. - the etheric blueprint floods with light and releases karmic experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience of 'bouts of flu'. 5. Loss of sight: Losing the path. Asked by: Joesph Quigley. The most important thing is to be authentic and stay true to yourself. Fourth level major changes are in the brain and its chemistry and electromagnetic energies symptoms are often headaches, blurry vision, loss of hearing and sometimes chest pains. Brain chemistry changes, right and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands begin to change in size. level in which we learn to use our psychic abilities and our ability to "create our own reality". The term is commonly used to denote the Age of Enlightenment, but is also used in Western cultures in a religious context. Some are consciously working with these changes and so their transmutation is quicker, some are unaware and are absorbing this Light and change in direct relation to planetary change. This is the beginning of something intense whether you see it or not. It's a process of raising one's consciousness to a higher level, purifying one's soul, and uniting it with the universal source. We begin to be hooked into the languages of Light. Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Physical Pains & Their Metaphysical Meanings. You may believe you have a condition such as Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Burnout or ME,, Your senses are refining and your perception, intuition and gnosis are fine-tuning as your physical and energy bodies entrain and align with higher vibrational frequencies. The last three levels unify all energy fields, all chakras are unified and you become totally connected to your I AM. Related to the ascension symptoms above, a sore throat can be a further sign that your highest chakras are moving into wholeness. You begin to become more productive. The Seven Levels of Initiation The spiritual path really begins prior to the seven levels of initiation. Once you have awakened to the need for change, you will likely begin seeking out answers. Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. spiritual ascension; spirit ascension; light worker; ascension our lord; Browse 14,778 professional ascension stock photos, images & pictures available royalty-free. Welcome to ascension! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Since you are gaining a higher level of spiritual energy, the adjustment period may make you feel things a lot deeper than the usual. Go within. Everything will begin growing in regards to tension and you will be seeking out spiritual guidance in the wrong places. Be prepared for constant body ache and a general sense of fatigue. But overall, they want to assist humans with ascension and to raise deeper awareness of spiritual entities. This phase is when you know at a SOUL level what needs to be done in order for you to be happy in your own life, but question it due to your own EGO. Our intuition seems to be on high alert, and we are more open to new insights and perspectives than ever before. As you clear up your space, you will notice that the orderliness induces more mental clarity in you. You will notice that normal volume levels might still be too loud for you, or that your body gets easily warm or cold. Spiritual ascension is the process of our consciousness-raising to a higher level. 3. 'Spiritual ascension' can sometimes refer to awakening spiritual energy within the body and energy field. All rights reserved, SCIENCE, LEARNING AND SPIRITUALISM MUST GO IN TANDEM FOR RIGHTEOUS LIFE: HAIKU, Keys of Happiness & Rules Behind Successful Congregations, ayuh-sattva-balarogya- sukha-priti-vivardhanah, Daily Sharing Yog Vashishtha to Know Almighty 63, Ayurveda and the Science of Spiritual Relationships. This is because your vibrational frequency is tuning up. The ascension process is what you go through as you move from focusing solely on the physical as a physical being limited in 3D to full awareness of your spiritual nature, your power, and your light. Youre feeling a strong desire to help others. 1. You may also have experiences of oneness or ecstasy as you connect with the divine. The process of the in-breath is now irreversible, like an elastic band that has been stretched to maximum capacity, been let go of and will return to its natural state. TikTok Drink plenty of water. Fear at this time is released as the energy fields of all the bodies are realigned through the heart and when aligned, fear drops away. Maybe at that point, you want to become a star or enter into another galaxy or any other number of things. The intensity of the process can be overwhelming for the subconscious, so you might get woken up in the middle of the night. Now that youre ascension symptoms are kicking in properly, you are feeling tense and nerved out but you are working to keep calm. Safe Search. The ascension process is what you go through as you transition from being solely focused on the physical as a 3D limited physical being into full awareness of your spiritual nature, power and light.. As you progress through the levels of ascension, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose and awakening, and merge with your higher selves. Type 1: Awakening of the human mind. Now its time to start shedding the old ways of being that no longer serve you. The Merkabah (another name for the lightbody) allows you to more fully experience your multi-dimensionality and to live in and travel, The lightbody is predominantly active and is connected to your physical body via spin points, which are positioned within a light-grid that overlays the physical acupuncture meridians and is composed of lines of light intersecting in intricate and intelligent geometries. You cant quite pinpoint why, but your emotions are becoming more and more unstable. 2. Through your service to others and your continued clearing away of limiting beliefs, emotions, and past negative patterns, your heart actually opens. Is there more going on here than meets the eye? The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to create the 'Arc of the Covenant', a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for higher dimensional language. This is a time of feeling, of honoring and accepting and validating the emotional body and learning to control it. 14 signs that youre experiencing spiritual ascension, 24 Powerful Mantras to Shift Your Perspective and Transform Your Life, 10 Life-Changing Lessons That Will Shift Your Perspective Forever. You begin to understand where your negative emotions come from and what some of the triggers are. Vision and hearing are being realigned to function differently. Bitchute Twitter. The ascension is an evolutionary process that is multi-dimensional and confusing. Most flu epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Here you will begin questioning everything not just yourself. You feel interconnected to all Beings everywhere and less connected to the opinions of others. Just have Faith: I AM. The ascension process is what you go through as you transition from being solely focused on the physical as a 3D limited physical being into full awareness of your spiritual nature, power and light.. As you progress through the levels of ascension, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose and awakening, and merge with your higher selves. Its almost as if you have to go through a bit of a shock in order for an awakening to begin. Spiritual Ascension Stages: 7 Levels of the Ascension Path Revealed#witchcraft #wicca #paganism #oldsoul #soul #magic #spell #magicspell #spelllove #witches . Spiritual Ascension Stages 7 Levels of the Ascension Path Revealed! In5D Patreon We question what is real, our mental process and how we identify with others and ourselves changes rapidly. Ascension may involve: an initial catalyst, experiencing the death of the ego, being able to connect to a sense of 'oneness', and experiencing major shifts in perspective. The planet has reached that axis in time. Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the new higher vibrational energies we have not created Heaven yet. You begin to unhook from 3D conditioning and mentality. Eleventh level all levels of the lightbody have been constructed and activated and are connected to your physical body via spin points. - you are one with Source consciousness and know all is possible. The 12 Levels of Ascension. We are experiencing a new paradigm that has never been seen before. When this happens, you can either try to go back to sleep or take the opportunity to do a simple meditation (e.g. For awhile you may slip between the 8th and 9th, from feeling complete at-one-ment to being ' a limited human being' again, this settles down by the end of the 9th level. We feel more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with life. As one shifts in vibrational frequency, and as their awareness expands, symptoms are experienced on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents sacred marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiraling staircase of time to experience unification with or marry all aspects of God. Crystal regulators in the etheric body keep lines of light within the 5th dimensional blueprint from connecting again until you are ready. 1. Seeing: Merging with the path. It is a vibration frequency that generates positive energy and light. This is because your physical environment plays a vital role in how your spirit operates. Our souls do not awaken in just a snap. Your spiritual journey is unique to you, so trust your intuition and go with the flow. Decluttering has tons of psychological benefits. Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie! The Merkabah (another name for our Light body) has been built and allows you to pass through space, time and dimensions complete in your totality. Another cause of poor sleep is experiencing nightmares or extremely vivid dreams. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. You may start to question your beliefs and values and begin to feel a need for change. Initiation zero. Our spirits become tainted with arrogance, greed, and materialism among many other evils. These levels are analogous to grades in . It can weigh you down and hold you back from becoming who you are really meant to be. We are all evolving and absorbing Light at our own pace. Its also a time of releasing old patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve you. The divine activation of your Spiritual Awakening. We release blocks and old patterns it is a time of great emotional clearing and great intensity as we seek to rid ourselves of emotional baggage. An awakened mind helps a person do well in this lifetime. 6. Within these levels, there are four basic levels of spiritual development that human beings on Earth progress through as they reincarnate, although evil acts may cause bad karma which may cause one to temporarily regress. And when we all take them collectively, magic is what unfolds. The following article will explain what are the different levels of spirituality and help you in your journey through the spiritual ascension stages. Chest pains are due to the expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels. 7 Ascension Stages Revealed. Remember, it is okay to change your views once you learn more about the world. This is a full multidimensional manifestation. s.src="//widgets.amung.us/classic.js"; You can read more about the symptoms on my blog Ascension Signs and Symptoms of the Spiritual Awakening and Expanded Consciousness. Every one of these expressions is a means of referring to the inner growth and development of the mind, heart, or soul; they are not synonymous. Some sources claim there are 352 formal levels of ascension. Why am I really here? You may read books, attend workshops, or go on retreats. Everything will begin to melt away in regards to stress. - Stuart Wilde. We are aware that while the planet is under going a shift to a higher frequency that, because she is a living moving energy system, all who reside within her energy fields will also experience this realignment. The spiritual hierarchy dictates that they are of the highest level. 9th level is surrender and then ecstasy; the letting go of the I we realize that while free will is real it is also an illusion as it only there to guide us and to empower us to be One with Spirit. - the heart chakra opens more, we become more 'real' with other emotions, we just have to be ourselves! The Egyptians call the Light body - Merkaba - Mer {Light} Ka {Soul} Ba {Body}. One second you feel happy and then before you know it, there are already tears in your eyes. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if youre experiencing spiritual ascension. So the drive toward spiritual ascension is not as strong in 5D and above. Cranial expansion is common; triangular 'seed crystals' in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the brain are activated along with the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras. The planet goes to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in total Mastery. - we draw to us others for mutual support and stimulation of growth. As we learn to follow our joy, we may then want to save the planet and have everyone follow their joy. The twelve phases are based on my own personal experience and insights, along with the addition of some illuminating points from Tashira Tachi-ren and Jasmuheen.

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spiritual ascension levels