19 Apr 2023

The other will be sent from Heaven. Thank you for the Beeswax correction TinaInAshburn and Deb! Can you suggest a legitimate site on line ? A dream that stays with me in the slightest details, as if I had just dreamed it. I bought six blessed tall votive candles from my church. Three Days of Darkness - Wikipedia Every person in the whole world will see their sins of their entire lifetime. The days of darkness being referred to here are real and will occur sooner rather than later. Please pass this on. I am in the midst of you. 3days of darkness is when you ignored your disconnection notice from your electric company. Breakdown of family life: immorality, adultery, perversion of youth (e.g. Sometimes the simplest answers tend to be the right ones. (Page 44) On September 20, 1882 Our Lady said: "The Earth will be covered in darkness, and Hell will be loosed on Earth. Jesus stopped a woman from being stoned with his saying he who is without sin may cast the 1st stone not one person threw a stone. At the end of the day, you can either believe or not believe, but your salvation is at risk. Now, this is the unbelievable parta few years agothat same bible SUPERNATURALLY changed, while it was in my possession THE ENTIRE TIME! All will be lovely, but that will not be the end, unfortunately. The wind will roar thunderbolts will be heard. Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. Anna-Maria Taigi (1769-1837) , was an Italian, wife, mother and mystic. But first you must be purified. After the three days of darkness, Saints Peter and Paul, having come down from heaven, will preach throughout the world and designate a new Pope. though i believe that there is possibly a god, or possibly going to be an apocalypse, i am curious to know why this three days of darkness would be Gods wrath. His proclamation that I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life should be enough of a statement to dispel any further discussion. 3 signs before the 3 days of darkness 2021. Christ identifies himself as the Light of the World and he says in Luke 12:49, I have come to light a fire on the Earth. Last night the Spirit inspired me to Google the current orbits of the planets. yet Jesus is the only real one because the bible says so? Make acts of Spiritual Communion, also acts of love, Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. There shall be no harm or ruin on all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as water covers the sea.. (The first four proximate signs have already come to pass, at least partly; for we are yet to see civil war and revolution in the West. Thatsa fascinating statement. Matthew 24:36. I dont know if they are beeswax. QUESTION: How do I light the blessed candle if nothing else will burn? new strains of viruses). You also forgot the final message Jesus (Soon of God) had for the woman caught in adultery, neither do I condemn you (because she was set up) but go and Sin No More.. May God bless you abundantly! 3 Signs before the 3 Days of Darkness! I could go on but theres too much. The 3 days are attributed to the war of 1950. After praying for quite a long time, about my wonder if there was a God and if there was, who He was. I continued saying, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God. Then I woke up and got up and sit on the side of the bed, my wife was a sleep so I just sat there for a while. . The Three Days of Darkness refers to a Catholic prophecy of chastisement and then hope, that is very similar to the plagues of Egypt. When we die, we will all stand in judgement before a Holy God, and for believers our Savior, Jesus Christ will advocate for our souls. A particularly fitting time to do this is Candlemas February 2 where a blessing of large numbers of candles to be used at Mass as well as those distributed to the Faithful for the Procession takes place. Pray that these days will be shortened. Do you have beeswax candles ready? DREAMS THAT I HAD THAT WAS SO REAL, I CAN NOT FORGET Your email address will not be published. The earth will be shaken to its foundations. Ill go with them. Above is a copy of an icon picture that looks similar to the Jesus of Justice and a copy of I am Your Jesus of Mercy. if these three days of darkness is gods way of saying we are all to be punished, then maybe it is for the best that the entire world just ends due to we are all with sin in one way or another. I was confused. 3 signs before the 3 days of darkness 2021 - shreyanspos.com This will be the age of the Immaculate heart of Mary. LOVE IS THE KEY THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. Michel Rodriguehttps://youtu.be/Vjkeopzmti0 Follow 'Christian Gospel Message' Subscribe:. So as long as the candles are pure wax & unscented & blessed I understand they should be fine, I am Catholic and have heard of the 3 Days of darkness. My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work, are ready with their pointed swords! Though it is predicted to be April 4, 2021 so hooray!!! During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. I was in an older home, standing it the middle of the front room, very happy giving money to a man dressed in black with an outfit that look like Dick Tracy in the comics, only his coat was black. I could not get past it. The wax serves as a symbol of purity and the Virgin Mary because of its origin from the worker honey bee. i do apologize if i offend anyone in this comment, i meant no disrespect with my curiosities. Excellent 100% beeswax candles. If those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect they will be shortened. This intervention is called the Warning or Illumination of Conscience also called a Correction of Conscience and will be like a judgment. Olive skintone and long black hair, parted in the middle and a fuller face than we usually see Mary. This will be Gods last warning to us. The weight of the Divine balance has reached the earth! [4] However, the specifics of the "Three Days of Darkness" prophecy are derived from private revelation. The French people shall have a desperate civil war, in which old men themselves will take up arms. A 30 day sanctity period has been added, so look for the Three Days of Darkness over Christmas Eve until the following Sunday. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will take possession of those who survive this terrible ordeal How unconcerned men are regarding these things, which shall soon come upon them! Id caution anyone coming to this site to be careful. (But the prophecies by other approved mystics and approved apparitions is real just not the one attributed to St. The Holy Father shall be obliged to leave Rome., Wife Mother & Mystic: Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi. 4/7/2019 I have 3 dreams about 20 years ago, which were so real, but I was able to discerned them. From one night to the next one complete day , the thunder will not cease to rumble. An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place! Certainly not the all good Father of all. The sea will rise, its roaring waves will spread over the continent, The Earth will become like a vast cemetery. Phoney crappy Catholicism deceiving site? This below was not a dream, as I was a wake, but came to my mind so fast, but I had time to think about it. He is the only mediator between God and man. So I raised my arms up as high as they would raise and began to pray, My Jesus I Love You, my Jesus I Love You. France will fall into frightful anarchy. In the homes of the wicked and blasphemers these candles will give no light. Do you know anyone who has blessed candles at home? Pray! Look at the buildings there that hint of the serpent. I read Catholic prophecy three days of darkness messages. By being through our link, you support our site. Hi. Furthermore, everything prophesied in the Old Testament has been fulfilled in the New Testament, including the Book of Revelation which is unfolding before our very eyes. The Coming Three Days of Intense Darkness!! - Reformation Heaven has asked us to be vigilant and ready with . Please prayerfully discern what you read and take it to the Lord in prayer, because. The ones of you that dont, should REALLY be praying that The Most High God show you also if He knows I am telling the truth. I wonder if this will tie into the three days of darkness. I found this on the website: Jesus never mentioned anything about no 3 days of darkness so why should we believe that false baloney? As late as 1965, the three days of darkness was spoken of again in a holy person in Europe: "The Divine fire and the fire of hell will arrive and last during the days of darkness indicated by all the saints. the way i see it, dont worry about others, everyone will have their own beliefs, but rioting, killing, ext is why you should be punished. The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth. I came home from work tired, lay down on my bed to rest for a little while and went right to sleep. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy.. The story of the 3 days of darkness is in Matthew 27:45-54 and Mark 15:33-41, and it goes something like this: Jesus is being crucified on Friday, and it gets dark at noon. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. In consequence of the information received, His Holiness himself shall nominate a most Christian king for the government of France, Religion shall be persecuted, and priests massacred Churches shall be closed, but only for a short time. Yes no-one could cast the first some because all have sinned. Finally, we know what the mystics say, but what is the official Church position on the Three Days of Darkness? I have never heard of this prophecy, and I do not have blessed wax candles. Wonderful family-run company. Then all of a sudden I started saying the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, I continued saying this until I was in the corner of the room above five women. Satan will seem to triumph! Have confidence in Me, and I will be your protection The hour of My coming is near! Why would you risk it? Linda Courtney from this denominations has given an excellent portrayal of the 3DOD on YT. Are u kidding me history dont lye we have yet to see civil war in the west it happend already, God gave us all a peace of his paradise to be equal and to share. Three Days of Darkness 2023: Nonsense or True Prophecy? - Beauty So Ancient session or others as well just curious ?? But, God's faithful remnant will be protected. What Does the Church Say About the Three Days of Darkness? For those who chose to go it alone, the outcome will be eternal separation from God. 3 Days of Darkness and Products to Fight Evil - CLICK HERE. Thus, the 5th proximate sign seems to have begun also.). She told Jesus all the good things that I had done. The angels will descend from heaven and bring the spirit of peace on the Earth. Check this out CATHOLICS READ THE SCRIPTURES. and those that say god will forgive, then why would god kill so many innocent people due to the fact that they question the evidence of him. What are the Three Days of Darkness? - Eternally Catholic I will preserve the property of the elect, including the animals, for they shall be in need of sustenance afterwards Cover your windows carefully. The other will be sent from Heaven. My son, My son, I have been longing for this hour in which I again shall reveal to you the great love of My heart . The three days will be Thursday Friday Saturday March 19 20 21. I pray that you will come to that realisation, and humble yourself, and be saved yourself. On the other hand, if you witness a wreck or something devastating, saying that almost seems like a little mini prayerwhat do you guys think? You are not to open your doors for any reason until the 72 hours have passed by. Same here., . I came to the same conclusion. I agree 100%! You will see the red skys beforehand. Civil commotions, contempt for authority, downfall of governments, confusion in high places, corruption, coups detat, civil war, revolution. The three days of darkness, "Will be on a Thursday, Friday, and a Saturday. And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch out they hand towards heaven: and may there be darkness upon the land of Egypt, so thick that it may be felt. God Bless you and keep you. Not at the prospect of Gods chastisement, but at people who post exact dates, and all kinds of magical fixes. Oct 13, 2020 - Yahweh has revealed specific details to look for. The illumination of conscience is mentioned. Then he dies at 3pm, and there's a huge earthquake when he does. The kind and gentle voice said, That is Jesus of Mercy and that is Jesus of Justice, and I woke up. This is what will keep away this terror. Now this was the first of three dreams I had like this, I mean a dream like I never had before. 16:10). Informative article, but some things are off: 1) Marie-Julie Jahenny was told the blessed candles MUST be 100% real pure wax with NOTHING ELSE MIXED IN, (aka 100% beeswax) or THEY WILL NOT LIGHT. I would like to comment on this since you probably never actually looked at the whole Marie Julie Jahneys visions. Im curious to know if this is a traditionalist site; Im presuming its not sedavacantist(?). Now I know that a few people will likely argue with me on this but its pointless, the best thing for you to do is as The Most High y for yourself if you dont believe me, and only He can give you the eyes to see with and the ears to hear with. 11 Bible Verses about Darkness At The End. 3 Days of Darkness Products and Preparation Answer: The "Three Days of Darkness" is a private revelation of several Catholic saints and mystics. 12 Signs That Someone Is Near the End of Their Life - Verywell Health Matthew 24:29. ask God to help you to believe, give you insight and He will, do you have everything to gain by believing in Jesus to get to God and receive forgiveness and everything to lose if you choose not to believe now, Great white light? It will be a supernatural event quite frightening, but it will not cause any harm. Floods and droughts, crop failures, unusual weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, famines, epidemics, unknown diseases (e.g. I said, What is that?, and I heard a very kind and gentle voice say, That is Jesus. Darkness At The End. When I look at the present Church, and who is in charge thereof, Im wondering how much longer God will suffer the distortion of His Law. so what is the difference between then and now? One third of humankind will perish. This is heresy. i believe God knows our hearts, so to be honest in my own situation, the only thing that keeps me believing in my faith is the Eucharist, not people , actions or inactions, what someone did or didnt do, or nonsense. Padre Pio's Letter on the Three Days of Darkness: Features the complete letter written on the three days of Darkness by one of the greatest saints of our time, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, also known as Padre Pio, who bore the stigmata. There is no salvation in any other than Christ, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. I am the Creator and Preserver of all animals as well as man. The dream: I saw a real bright light; it was all white, like I was looking straight into a bright light bulb. She took me in and cleaned me up and dressed me in beautiful clothes. http://marie-juliejahenny.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_1.html?m=1. Although they started out as relatively mild (at La Salette, an unapproved part of a prophecy called for three days of convulsions), such predictions gained momentum through the decades as mystics added their own, often sensational details. Another verse that seems to refer to a time of darkness is Ezekiel 34: 11-12. Just before the 3 days of darkness. Light a blessed candle, which will suffice for many days. Have you ever used pornography or intoxicating drugs (including alcohol in sufficient quantities to become drunk)? It was stated in the bible and If you dont believe in the word of God then His angel of death will come for you. Provide yourself with sufficient food. Read spiritual books. I felt great peace and love. Think of everything that will be gone including members of your family. As soon as you perceive the disturbed signs of the very cold night: Go inside, shut and lock all doors and windows, pull down the shades, keep the doors and windows well covered, go and stay away from doors and windows. I was reading my bible last night and was surprised to see the 3 days of darkness in Book of Wisdom. harmony, sweet.. n blessed by your local priest. Who shed His precious blood to pay for the sins of the world? This one I have not as yet been able to discern it. It will be very short and worldwide, no one will escape. I was discerning if I should join my husband in the faith, but the whole topic of Mother Mary jolted me. on Monday, 01 March 2021. Three Days Of Darkness - End Times Report Curtains drawn closed. The Part Of The Fatima Message The Laity Mostly Ignored 13:04; Pray For The Peace Of Christ The King | Pius XII (1940) 14:36 Did Francis Just Do Something WORSE THAN PACHAMAMA 12:55; Francis Just Sent A Clear Message To His Allies That We Should Not Ignore 13:48; BREAKING: Francis Doubles Down On Insult To Bishops With New TLM Ban 11:26 Our Ladys words to Bl. The prophecy parallels the Ten Plagues against Egypt in the Book of Exodus (Ex. And I did not remember any suffering that I had been though. Padre Pio is said to have believed in the Three Days of Darkness. Thank you, for sharing! One of these is the Three Days of Darkness prophecy. Only faith in Jesus Christ saves. You are more then 100% spot On! Have your candles blessed by a Catholic Priest! When someone is nearing the end of life, they experience a variety of symptoms. Even cutting edge science is beginning to step into the realm of the spiritual. We have entered the age to come foretold by Jesus in Mark 10:30. http://risen-from-the-dead.forumotion.com/.

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3 signs before the 3 days of darkness