19 Apr 2023

Youll find that most often the enslaved are identified by age and gender only. They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. If you want to refute the facts surrounding Cromwells conquest of Ireland, Irish rebel imprisonment, British penal system convictions, Barbary slave trade, and raids on mainland coastal Europe and the British Isles Im interested to review your scholarly work. Black (surname) Black is a surname which can be of either English, Scottish, Irish or French origin. Many families, however, integrated into Gaelic society and changed their Norman name to Gaelic and then Anglo equivalents: the Powers, the Fitzpatricks, Fitzgeralds, Devereux, Redmonds. While their decision did not stop pirates from doing what they desired, the new law slowly concluded THIS chapter of nightmarish Irish misery. You all talking rubbish, Under 800 years of English rule millions of irish died at the hand of the British. In Gaelic, the Irish native language, the word for black (or dark) is 'dubh', and foreigner is 'gall'. Probably. Learn more. The Europeans did not enslave Africans, they did not have to, Africans were already enslaved (they were prisoners of war) by more powerful Africans. Slavery, in any oppressive, dehumanizing form is wrong! This is BS. Dudley or Dudlly is my family name . They were dispised, were not allowed practice thier own religion, keep their own gaelic name, Own any kind of property, and denied the use of thier own language. This may have some truth but how does this compare with Jim Crow and the continued racism experienced by Blacks in 2015? I assumed it had transferred from plantation owner to slave but instead it seems like it transferred from Irish slave to African slave. What utter pointless nonsense is this!? or any other colour or race, you just needed to be POOR. This is where the resentment mostly lies, in the distinct advantages given to the White people, Irish or otherwise. Or was it an indirect outcome of the permition of owning slaves? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2017/03/17/us/irish-slaves-myth.amp.html, My last name is Doyle since I been on Facebook Ive learned there is alot of people in Jamaica with last name as mine I am in Chicago and its alot of us scattered through the city but it very nice to know we are Doyles all over the world beautiful black people. They live as second class citizens and are called red-legs and red-necks etc by the rest of the population due to their fair skins getting burned by the sun. Copyright 2023 Irish Studio LLC All rights reserved. To pick on Chloe (Admittedly, I Enjoy picking on ignorant bigots); she mentions how Whites suppressed Blacks and sites example after example and doesnt fail to continue to mention color over and over again. However, conflating the Scot-Irish with those who were the predominant focal point of British intolerance: Irish-Catholics (to include any and all Presbyterians and Dissenters among them however small a minority), as the focus of this article however factual is misdirected just as well. The bad words Jamaicans curse originated from Ireland. None of this was forced, as that would have hurt productivity, rather than helped, and the incentive of a female slave having reduced work during pregnancy encouragement enough. The truth is, you are an Israelite. 'Black Irish' is often a description of people of Irish origin who had dark features, black hair, dark complexion and eyes. Unlike African slavery ,the Irishs story was not widely publicised. I have a very Irish last nameMurphy, enjoy and thanks for sharing Konnetta! Enter the time of the Irish Famine or genocide. In the cases of non-English origin, the surname is likely to be an Anglicisation. Please advise. The only notable distinction is that the import/export of slaves reached a pinnacle during the colonization of the Americas era and Blacks were the main slave stock being exchanged at the time. Famous Kellys include actor and director Gene Kelly, 20th-century artist Ellsworth Kelly, and actress and Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly. And when the draft riots kicked off in New York city a lot of those Irish and Italians turned their hatred and attention on the African Americans!!! The largest number of Irish descendants reside in the United States, while in Australia, those sharing in Irish ancestry account for a higher percentage of the population than in any other country, except Ireland. Africans were renamed, what about the irish? Reblogged this on Simply Etta D. and commented: The Irish were never slaves, they were indentured servants. Theres no question that the Irish werent treated very well. Ive called for sources supporting the article although I am not entirely in disagreement with it, Ive provided a source on Irish indentured *slaves in this discussion that doesnt fit with your narrative of voluntary service. But, if anyone, black or white, believes that slavery was only an African experience, then theyve got it completely wrong. Its meaning varies and such differences are contingent upon time and place. So incredibly well said and so true. Black Last Names: 80 Popular & Common African American, African The potato blight which destroyed the main source of sustenance turned the vital food black. Moore is another of the most popular Irish names. In time, the English thought of a better way to use these women (in many cases, girls as young as 12) to increase their market share: The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion. Ryan is another popular Irish family name across the world. They served for an agreed amount of time (usually seven years), the agreements were not always honored. When they came to America they where made to take the last name of the slave owner. One of the most famous Nolans is film director Christopher Nolan. The Irish were indentured servants, similar to Africans in the 1600s. Moore 21. King is one of the most famous people with this surname. But during the times of slavery in America the Irish people (in Ireland) were subjected to the penal laws, which I suspect were similar the the Jim Crow laws. Ever wonder why those hillbillies talk funny? Could the Irish in specific have something to do with what the most High is doing in (phisical) (black) Israel? Perhaps this is were we can find common ground and open the conversation of race relations. I will admit, some of this is said by a very very very small percentage of the real irish population worldwide, they see it as being weak !!!! My family history is very interesting..anyway they cant sweep all this under the rug anymore thanks to documents of proof which are online for the world to see now!! Many of the invaders' families took Gaelic names that utilized these two descriptive words. In contrast, however, at this same period in history, predominately, the Portuguese and Spanish were colonizing and enslaving the indigenous population of the South America continent. Slavery is not the problem we have to endure. I know for some sorry isnt enough and I agree .However Im more concerned with my family that was shackled, bound, branded raped, sold. I wonder if the Irish will be told to get over it already the same way African Americans and Canadians are told. Although Im sure a few were clever enough to rise above and assimilate overseas using their color as an advantage. Please do your own research to find out about white slavery in the Americas. I have heard of some of the stories of the Irish slave trade; however, the black slaves in American took their last names from their masters; who usually had Scottish, Irish, or English last names. Only problem how did the irish slaves keep their names. Race was judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. While these forced deportees would have included political prisoners and serious felons, it is believed that the majority came from the poor and vulnerable. I would like to share this article on Facebook but do not see a Facebook icon to share the link. The Scots-Irish are not Irish. Reblogged this on A Day in a Life of a Military Archivist *Eddy Hamelin* and commented: Thanks for your research. The most Kelley families were found in USA in 1880. Updated in 2022. For example, I am irish and my name in Irish is Aine Maire OFallanhaim, but it was Anglicized to Ann Marie Fallon by the British. As I said an Irish female slave mating with an African slave could not transfer his last name because it was the name of a white owner, if an Irish male slave mated with an African slave she would not get his slave name, it would be the property of the white owner, riddle us this??? The only qualifying factor is; if its dehumanizing and/oppressive then its wrong! Actor, director, and screenwriter Scott Foley is the most famous person by the name Foley. From there I started seeing more videos and posts speaking on Irish slavery. Maybe this should spoken more of, because Im sure I didnt learn this in my student years. As far as Irish slaves being treated worse than African slaves, not true. Black slaves were the alternatives because they could bear these conditions, and also knew farming techniques which they carried with them to the New World. I guess thats why they call it history. 3) even if they were 100,000 Irish slaves (which there were not) how dare you attempt to chastise us for talking about the African holocaust? There are particular surnames associated with the pre-removal period. Thank you for this information. http://www.thejournal.ie/readme/irish-slaves-myth-2369653-Oct2015/. The argument is as follows: the Irish had an advantage because of their skin color. In this way of debate it subdivides the issue of slavery in degrees of worse and worse-er. In a generation where so much information is consumed via hearsay or processed by means of social media, oftentimes, we can forget to dig into research like in the old days. Byrne 8. It appears that everyone, including you, completely ignored my comment where I pointed out that the British would hire pirates, specifically Barbary Pirates from North Africa and the Middle eatern areas, to raid entire Irish villages with the intent of wiping out said village so the British could take over the land and do with it as they wish. Donohue Irish. Lynch 18. The Irish were endentured servants. Where the Black Irish really came from - IrishCentral.com The Normans were invited into Ireland by Dermot McMurrough and were led by the famous Strongbow. You could have provided the information minus the dishonest comparison if the facts of the story are accurate. The naming game where did the term 'Black Irish' come from? At least they were able to join the white establishment due to their color. One of the most famous Buckeys is singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley. Paris Donnatella is an avid writer and traveller. Whole towns disappeared into the MIddle East and North Africa as a result. Irish Surnames - Behind the Name Namaste. I dont expect people to spot the difference between the Scottish Planters who shared Gaelic names and were approved to move into Ireland and take the land to quell the natives. & why St.Patricks day is arguably one of the most celebrated holidays on the island. X-Factor winner Shane Ward is one of the most well-known Wards. The Merchant Princes of Belfast (West India Traders) where rebuked by Thomas McCabe the Watchmaker of North Street for attempting to establish the slave trade there. Its really amazing to see once you notice it. Notable Flanagans include actor Tommy Flanagan and actress Crista Flanagan. If black slavery came subsequent to Irish slavery, why do blacks still go on about their rights? English landowners would literally pay pirates to come and raid entire villages on the Irish land they owned, to get rid of the renters so the landowner could do as he wished with the land. because of there race ? Ireland Before You Die is supported by its audience. Dont forget modern recorded history versus older nonrecorded history or minutely recorded history. Just dont take my stuff from me!! and to the edjit who called the ira terrorists. Only a few took on the last names of their former owners, some took names from the Bible. Another theory of the origin of the term "Black Irish" is that these people were descendants of Spanish traders who settled in Ireland and even descendants of the few Spanish sailors who were washed up on the west coast of Ireland after the disaster of the Spanish Armada of 1588. But why are these fanatics so triggered and butthurt about this, why they try to deny this crime so obsessively? My last name is Shanks n I just learned from my dad that iam part Irish. Famous Reids include actress Tara Reid, TV presenter Susanna Reid, and retired American attorney Harry Reid. But still many commentators, and even thought our recent political history, make topics like these into racial issues. The phrase "Black Irish" has been in use for hundreds of years, and several brands of Irish whiskey. You changed that right now!!!! The Blake family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. This must end with the entire group of humans~~or else look forward to the re-boot of the planet~~~so if there is not change~~~I well I guess I will see all of you in the next life-time~~~lyrics from Erykah Badu~~~, [] How Blacks have Irish LastNames []. Johnson took him to court and the judge ruled that Anthony Johnson did not have to release this man. Perhaps I missed something in the text. 1) It wasnt hundreds of thousands of them that were put to work. Several varied groups of multiracial people have sometimes been referred to as or identified as . Did you have some knowledge of your name already? It remains, therefore, a descriptive term used for many purposes, rather than a reference to an actual class of people who may have survived the centuries. On December 21, 1988 Jesse Jackson and a group of other black "leaders" officialy declared their support for the term 'African American'. Maybe blacks were named because they didnt speak english! Things you didn't know about Irish family names, Things you didn't know about Irish First Names, Trace your family and Irish surnames today, 50 shocking facts about Northern Ireland you never knew, Hell never get older Father Ted star Dermot Morgans son on 25, Three Belfast men set sights on rowing world records, Ireland ranked one of the safest countries in Europe, Irish Celtic FEMALE NAMES: the 20 best, with meanings, New true-crime documentary exposes the many lies and lives of GPO girl, Country Clare hotel voted one of the most romantic in the world. Actress Meg Donnelly and Declan Donnelly, one half of the comedy duo Ant and Dec, are two famous bearers of the name Donnelly. Though slavery did and still occurs worldwide, chattel slavery was an American created tradition whereby the condition of the mother indicated whether or not a child was born free or enslaved. Then after a time the law change and blacks were considered chattel so therefore were unable to buy their freedom. The Normans were dark in complexion, often with dark hair and eyes. This proclamation lasted 200 years ,ending some 9-13 years before Black Slavery Emancipation. If white apprentices could be sold as part of a ships chattels, it is not surprising to learn, according to a further announcement in the same paper, that: A Black Negro man, well qualified in labour and industry, for a gentlemans house, garden or stable, who has seven years eto serve this nation is now to be disposed of. I was slapped on the hands with a ruler as she demanded, screaming , and hitting me,!! The more I think about this article, the sadder I become knowing that most of you believe its lies. Though slavery did and still occurs worldwide, chattel slavery was an American created tradition whereby the condition of the mother indicated whether or not a child was born free or enslaved.. Rich in history and proud in its Celtic roots, the Irish identity is worn like a badge of honour. We fight hatred with success. Or, Is what happened to the Irish just a mere part of what happens to all, and to any of the different nations of men who are affected by the wicked works of the heathen? What is the most popular last name in Ireland? it made things a whole lot easier to change their names. Remember England was also enslaved by the Romans. Nowhere in the article did the author claim that the treatments to the Irish were worse. But this should not turn into a contest of who had it worst. O'Carroll 23. Black Irish - Wikipedia Our ppl fled into west and central Africa (Khem aka Ham) after Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in 70 CE. One of them reached his 7 year mark, and went to work on another mans farm. They account for a lot of the Irish sounding names in the south, whether they were Scots names, or co opted Irish names, they do not belong to the Irish family system. English actress, singer, and television personality Claire Sweeney is the most famous person with the surname Sweeney. Erm, just a thought, but most Irish of the day would have had some knowledge of English, or been fluent. I am sure that the Irish were treated as less than other white settlers, but to say their treatment was equal to or worse than the treatment of African slaves is not probable. IT IS A SPIRIT THAT DOES NOT CARE FOR ANY RACEKNOW THAT TO ANY CAUCASION OR TO THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL XOXO, [] How Blacks have Irish Last Names [], Lies. Am Afro-American. How did they enter said contract in the first place? get your facts right, [] Why blacks have Irish last names. What Im saying is that youre complete idiot.) I Will keep the research going and will write another post that you will love. Wilson 27. It continues in use. There looks to be much more valuable information available if you search on this form of the name. Stewart is a very popular Irish surname. The West, wrongly puts Africa, which is a continent not a country, as all the same people. There is little question that the Irish experienced the horrors of slavery as much (if not more in the 17th Century) as the Africans did. I will just say that both existed and as such proves that anyone who is racist and thinks they are justified in being racist is wrong because even with differences of culture, tradition and society all people are the same and we should all treat each other equally and with equal respect. They dont even notice it (MEAN). There is no logic in that a hybrid race slave would be any more profitable than a hard working African slave, and has no basis in historical fact. #DoesntAddUp. Was that part of their original contract? Origin: Irish; Meaning: "dark, black" Description: Keir is a single-syllable name that packs a lot of punch, might suggest -- thanks to its similarity to the word . [8]The Black Male Incarceration Problem is Real and Catastrophic Huffington Post. I dont know why you are so proud because they dont claim you!!! Each induvial from different areas of the continent have unique differences. What yall ;need to figure out is why this history has been buried and who is gaining from that. The Irish and Scots-Irish did indeed own slaves in America and many of their emancipated slaves took their surname. Were Irelands Viking invaders high on hallucinogenic herbal tea? Its like saying, Im personally offended by you not because of your genetics but because of your race!. With an understanding of the Norman invaders and their integration into Irish society, we can deduce that this is, in fact, where the term Black Irish spawned from. Oh, and by the way, my Irish ancestors fought for the North at Gettysburg, for three hundred dollars and a ticket out of Ireland. First of all, the reason for the Civil War was the Confederates secession from the Union. Have you heard of people of Irish descent as "Black Irish.". I have some European and native American ancestry, but I claim African American only!!! By the time we reach the 1600s the non roman Europeans have been assimilated into a romanic style world where most are commonly white (although this seemed to exclude the irish who were treated very badly and if they werent forced into servitude died of starvation or spent their lives as serfs). And, yes, African tribes did it as well! Second, how does the Civil War, even if it were just about slavery, diminish the atrocities of slavery, war, and maltreatment of the Irish? Blood of the Irish: What DNA Tells Us About the Ancestry of People in My maiden name is Mc Knight. I am in no way minimizing the African slave part of history, it is through this history of the Irish to say we can relate and understand an awful part of human history. Heres a case for you to review (take your time): Master Samuel Symonds against Irish slaves: Law Case, Master Samuel Symonds against Irish slaves. There were horrible abuses of both African and Irish captives. The Scots Irish, also known as Scotch Irish (especially in USA) or Ulster Scots (especially in Northern Ireland), are an ethnic group found in the province of Ulster in the north of Ireland Genealogy. Actresses Kerrie Keane and Dolores Keane, as well as football manager Roy Keane, are three of the most famous Keanes. Ryan Fitzpatrick, NFL quarterback, was named the fifth smartest athlete in sports by Sporting News in 2010. Do this; check the census records and slave owner property records. Even to this day many still believe that Irish slavery only affected a few thousands. Indentured servitude was a form of bonded labour, whereby a migrant agreed to work for a set period of time (between two and seven years) and in return the cost of the voyage across the Atlantic was covered. One in every eight so called white person in the state of Louisiana has negro ancestry that can be traced back to the past 11 generations. Abraham Agan Agnew Ahearn Ahern Aherne Anglim Anglin Ansbro Argue Armstrong Art Ashe Athey Athy Baldwin Balfe Ballagh Bane Banfield Banfill This entire article reads like those oh-so-learned-sounding pieces that explain why women are simply not suited to traditionally male jobs, or why Black Americans by design and selection are simply not suitable for the sciences or for generic corporate America, and should stick to sports and physical labor. Lets not forget the Red vs White; Yellow vs White; and Brown vs White. Why do we continue to ignore the pain of others? Africa was named after a so-called white man by the name of Scipio Africanus. naturally, that population mixed in with the newly arrive slave blacks as well as the indigenous blacks. FYI: Themselves need not be hyphenated by the way just saying. knew their origins. Early Origins of the Black family. There WERE absentee Irish SLAVEOWNERS. Black (surname) - Wikipedia Please advise. I can say MacIntyre, I dont know what a Mwanajna is, Ill call you Mo. Similar to many of the Americanized name changes coming through Ellis Island. THEY WERE INDENTURED SERVANTS. The assembly was led by Strongbow, a Norman lord from Wales. The terminology is interchangeable, while there are cetainly differences in forms of slavery to say there was none is a tad rich, unless youve been an indentured servant yourself perhaps you know the benefits? Louisiana is one hundred apologetically AFRICAN roots. Then, for many of the worlds most powerful and influential nations of the time, this is where slavery was put to an end. I read How the Irish Became White. O'Connor (surname) - Wikipedia Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the masters free workforce. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Ciarn ( Irish spelling) or Ciaran ( Scottish Gaelic spelling) [2] [3] is a traditionally male given name of Irish origin. In America and even somewhat in Europe, Black skinned people enjoy a monopoly of the history slavery and its oppressive effects. It would be the same with people. The term " black Irish " refers to persons of Irish descent who are supposed to be descendants of the Spanish Armada, which sailed around the middle of the 15th century, and had dark hair and or eyes. Words are powerful, they are spells (we are spelling) the word black in middleages means pale. Variant of Donoghue. 2. Black Irish Books, publishing house of American author Steven Pressfield. they did mix thats why they have lighter skin its luck of the draw with genetics if your great great great grandmother was white your chid could be white. Protestant landholders? June 25, 1661. If they committed a crime that warranted jail time, they deserved the sentence. I would like to recommend Peoples History of the United States by Howard Zinn to anyone who is interested in this type of hidden history. Here is the thing though, when they hooked up with Africans to rebel, Bacons Rebellion, they struck a deal with the English colonists to become the slave patrols and plantation overseas. Most blacks who lived on plantations did not have last names. She was so angry, thats not what Jesus looks like, so I said how do you know,? I will never make any claim of who was better off or who had it worse. The article is pointing the finger at the British Empire. When the KKK did not get enough traction in the south in the early part of the 20th century they moved North and preyed upon the Irish and Catholic immigrant. We should remember this and not let one injustice isnt used to counter the other. 1847 was known as "black 47." Its effect with regard to the subject of slavery on a whole only minimizes the atrocities of slavery and bigotry. Communicating with an African would have been a completely different matter, and names would have been unpronounceable and incomprehensible to any white slave owner. in order to be enslaved it didnt matter whether you were Irish, English, Welsh, Scots, Black, White. In 1840 there were 196 Blake families living in Maine. The large wave of Irish immigrants to the US in the 19th century has no direct lineage with the Barbados group, were granted the status of whiteness very early, and were actively involved in violent attacks on Blacks, Asians and other ethnic groups competing for jobs. One of the most famous people with the surname Quinn is actor Aidan Quinn.

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black irish surname