19 Apr 2023

a whole or on specific comments of another speaker. prestige forms more than they were observed to do. Zimmermann and West interruptions Flashcards | Quizlet The editor, Julian Bray, said it was time to bring the paper into You could vary the noun from surgeon to doctor, consultant or anaesthetist and so on, to see if this changes the responses. The dynamics of interruption and the filled pause (1977) | Geoffrey The term for the species or people in general is the same as that for one sex only. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Knutsford High School's English Learning Centre, high involvement and high considerateness, Political correctness: euphemism with attitude. She finds specific examples of verbal hygiene in the regulation of '"style" by editors, the teaching of English grammar in schools, politically correct language and the advice to women on how they can speak more effectively. And it is easy to take claims made by linguists in the past (such as Robin Lakoff's list of differences between men's and women's language use) and apply these to language data from the present - we can no longer verify Lakoff's claims in relation to men and women in the USA in 1975, but we can see if they are true now of men and women in our own country or locality. First, one can discuss them - to see how far they accord with observations and experience. He invited them to speak in a variety of situations, before asking them to read a passage that contained words where the speaker might use one or other of two speech sounds. Another rather obvious objection to the Russell/Stanley claim is this - it is not usually men who approve other men as stallion or stud but women. The following is part of a discussion thread on a forum for women. Geoffrey BEATTIE | Professor of Psychology | B.Sc. Psychology Cameron does not condemn verbal hygiene, as misguided. Susan Herring has given permission for this article to be freely distributed. More strongly pejorative (about intellect) is bimbo. Your teacher could invite members of your class first to judge yourselves (as I have done above) against the relevant list, then against the list for the other sex. investigated, men and women face normative expectations about the In Losing Out Sue Lees argues that men control female behaviour by use of such terms, especially slag. But the structure and organization of the forum determines in advance how and where the users' messages will appear. Men do sometimes express mild approval of promiscuity in such phrases as "getting your oats", but rarely show direct admiration of the "hunk". Women often suggest that people do things in indirect ways - let's, why don't we? or wouldn't it be good, if we? Men may use, and prefer to hear, a direct imperative. Speakers will show this in forms such as woman doctor or male nurse. She is also Zimmerman and Candace West, while the second is associated with Deborah This guide is written for students who are following GCE Advanced level (AS and A2) syllabuses in English Language. In researching what they describe as powerless to show the power of language in shaping all of our everyday lives through jokes and sales patter and insults and interruptions. Computer-mediated conversation (Internet relay chat, for example) is interesting because here people choose or assume their gender - and this may not be the same as their biological sex. He received his law degree from the University of Western Ontario in 1984 and served as a partner in the Toronto law firm Torys LLP before joining The Woodbridge Company, where he served as president from 1998 through December 2012. This resource may also be of general interest to language students on university degree courses, trainee teachers and anyone with a general interest in language science. Hunk (approving) and wimp (disapproving) apply to men criteria of strength and attractiveness, but neither has a clear connotation of intelligence. These are pairs of terms that historically differentiated by sex alone, but which, over time, have gained different connotations (e.g. less socially aspirational. (This is popularised in "blonde" jokes - which often resemble the jokes once told about Irish people, making fun of supposed low intelligence - www.jokingonline.com has "blonde" as one of twenty joke categories; "women" is another, but not "men".) The differences can be summarized in a table: Tannen contrasts interruptions and overlapping. pronunciation - thereby seeking covert (hidden) prestige by appearing Social Media; Email; . speakers. Among linguists working in this area, many more seem (to me, anyway) to be women than men. This may seem not very scientific, but the search engine can check more examples than human calculation - and it has no tendency to overlook evidence that does not fit. For example, I am certain that I don't swear, insult other men frequently or give commands, but I do talk about sport and can be competitive and interrupt. Studying language and gender is hard, because students can easily adopt entrenched positions or allow passion to cloud a clear judgement - and what I have just written should tell those who did not know it already that this guide is written by a man! If the contrast seems not to apply or to be relevant, then But they take particular forms when the speaker (usually) or writer is male and the addressee is female. They choose not to impose on the conversation as In some European countries women are known by their father's name rather than that of their husband - for example Anna Karenina in Russia or Sveinbjrg Sigurardttir in Iceland. Rim (1977) found. So in the case of the fashion guidance, the writer can assume that, because someone has asked for help, then she will expect some detail in the response, and the special lexis is mostly there to name things - so we find lexis of colour (indigo, khaki, stone), of materials (cotton, leather, silk, satin), of garment types (crewneck, jeans, gypsy top, blouses) and of designer brands (Gap, Topshop, Diesel, French Connection - note that all of these are proper nouns, and capitalized). Patronizing terms include dear, love, pet or addressing a group of adult women as girls. Geoffrey Beattie Challenged the findings of Zimmerman and West by questioning whether interruptions showed power - stated interruptions often mean cooperation, such as backchanneling or questions to further the conversation. Text 2 looks messy, but the presentation on the Web site indicates the status of messages, of replies to the original message (and of replies to the replies), and gives a heading and the text of the message. Before going any further you should know that the consensus view (the view agreed by the leading authorities at the moment) is that gender does make a difference. The man, meanwhile, invites a friend without asking his wife first, because to tell the friend he must check amounts to a loss of status. This paper seeks to reopen the issue of whether Mrs Thatcher's interviews do show, as has been claimed, a distinctive pattern in that they are characterised by interviewers often gaining the floor through interruption at certain points in her speech because her turns appear to be complete at these points. Some of the names are interesting - "Topshop" contains a simple pun (a place where you may buy "tops" [itself a fairly new noun to mean various kinds of garment] and "top" as in "best"). In studying language you must study speech - but in studying language and gender you can apply what you have learned about speech (say some area of pragmatics, such as the cooperative principle or politeness strategies) but with gender as a variable - do men and women show any broad differences in the way they do things? Tannen. Dale Spender advocates a radical view of language as embodying structures that sustain male power. Though it will be helpful for the teacher to prepare some examples to clarify the discussion. independence vs. intimacy | Annabelle Lee not Mrs. Lakoff suggests that asking questions shows women's insecurity and hesitancy in communication, whereas Fishman looks at questions as an attribute of interactions: Women ask questions because of the power of these, not because of their personality weaknesses. women - talk more than men, talk too much, are more polite, are indecisive/hesitant, complain and nag, ask more questions, support each other, are more co-operative, whereas. about their speech. Historically, men's concerns were seen as more important than those Listeners may not show it but you can test their expectations by statements or short narratives that allow for contradiction of assumptions (such as a story about a doctor or nurse depicted as the spouse of a man or woman, as appropriate). Her work looks in detail at some of the ideas that Lakoff originated and Tannen carried further. "Gypsy", to denote a member of the community now usually known as "travellers", is considered taboo (it comes from "Egyptian", reflecting a historical belief that this people originated in Egypt). For example, Gallois and Markel (1975) have provided evidence to suggest that interruptions may have different psychological relevance during different phases of a conversation. Beattie and Barnard (1979) reported that the mean duration of simultaneous speech in face-to-face conversation is 454m sec. conversation would become more frequent and probably more successful (Beattie, 1977). activities.Trudgill's observations are quite easy to replicate - you Or because Beattie's work is in some other way less valuable? orders vs. proposals | In a related article, Woman's language, she published a set of basic assumptions about what marks out the language of women. In the British House of Commons, there is www.shu.ac.uk/wpw/politeness/christie.htm, high involvement and high considerateness, Political correctness: euphemism with attitude, guidelines for non-sexist use of language. It is possible for the addressee not to perceive - or the speaker not to intend - the patronizing, controlling or insulting. Can interruptions not arise from other sources? www.georgetown.edu/faculty/bassr/githens/powrless.htm. Bull & Mayer (1988) have argued that earlier claims by Beattie (1982) and Beattie, Cutler & Pearson (1982) on this matter are suspect for a variety of methodological and statistical reasons. Robin Lakoff, in 1975, published an influential account of women's language. Such terms as men, man and mankind may imply this. Professor Tannen gives the example of a woman who would check with her husband before inviting a guest to stay - because she likes telling friends that she has to check with him. The writer of Text 1 (the list) assumes that the reader is male, as he (or she) uses second-person "you" in most cases, where this obviously (because of the rest of the statement) refers to a man, or the sex in general. of course, the relationship is such that an annoyed wife will rebuke The results showed there were 557 interruptions (compared with 55 recorded by Zimmerman and West). This is part of an article called The Slip a Day Scheme. One example is sexuality - how far the speech and writing of gay men and women approximates to that of the same or the opposite sex, or how far it has its own distinctness. Language and gender So this message may exhibit support and fit Deborah Tannen's idea of women as concerned with expressing feelings where men give information. Early in 2002, Lloyd's List (a newspaper for the shipping industry) announced that it was to change its practice of using the pronouns she and her to refer to ships. Though it will be helpful for the But more recently some authors have cautiously suggested that it may not always reflect or signal dominance. ATTRACTIVE ACTRESSES/required for/DENTAL PROMOTIONS. the male as norm | In aiming for floor again (that is, be allowed to stand and speak). Rim (1977) found thai in three-person discu groups, the less intelligent subjects interrupted more frequently than ' more intelligent subjects. The high involvement and high considerateness. turn-taking and interruption (including the analysis of how Mrs Thatcher interrupts, and is interrupted, in political interviews). Tannen says, Denying real differences can only Describe some of the differences between the language used by male and by female speakers in social interaction. An item like this (an ATM machine) helps a local shopkeeper bring people into his shop. But Lakoff's remark about humour is much harder to quantify - some critics might reply that notions of humour differ between men and women. In 1553 the grammarian Wilson ruled that the man should precede the woman in pairs such as male/female; husband/wife; brother/sister; son/daughter. The interplay between interruptions and preference organization in conversation: New perspectives on a classic topic of gender research . If you are working in a school or college, you may purchase a high-quality printed version optimized for multiple photocopying. In Politeness and the Linguistic Construction of Gender in Parliament: An Analysis of Transgressions and Apology Behaviour, she applies pragmatic models, such as the politeness theory of Brown and Levinson and Grice's conversational maxims, to transcripts of parliamentary proceedings, especially where speakers break the rules that govern how MPs may speak in the House of Commons. become less common - as women can gain prestige through work or other seek to achieve the upper hand or to prevent others from dominating UR - http://www.mendeley.com/research/interruption-conversational-interaction-relation-sex-status-interactants. exceptions to the norm. attempt to impose order on the social world. Google Scholar . Dominance Approach: Definition & Difference | StudySmarter Robin Lakoff (1975) interruptions and overlapping | social class and sex. conflict vs. compromise | For a teacher who is unsure about the subject, and wants something more substantial than this guide, Clive Grey's outline should be very useful. Such a sound can be supportive and affirming - which Tannen calls cooperative overlap, or it can be an attempt to take control of the conversation - an interruption or competitive overlap. Some listeners may not notice anything odd. Professor Tannen concludes, rather bathetically, and with a hint of an allusion to Neal (first man on the moon) Armstrong, that: The value of Tannen's views for the student and teacher is twofold. Interruptions in Political Interviews: A Study of Margaret Thatcher and Note that today both dog and bitch are used pejoratively of women. Eliminate sexism when addressing persons formally by: Eliminate sexual stereotyping of roles by: Here are extracts from six texts published in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Special lexis always implies an understanding of semantics and pragmatics. Bull, P. E. and Mayer, K. (1988) Interruptions in political interviews: A . A number of studies have demonstrated that turo-iaking and in- terruption in conversation are affected by a number of social and 96 Geoffrey W. Beattie personality variables. She refers to the work of Zimmerman and West, to the view of the male as norm and to her own idea of patriarchal order. call - it lasts half an hour or more. Share. (The use of these terms shows a new confidence - Deborah Jones is not fearful that her readers will think her disrespectful. It uses a fairly old study of a small sample of conversations, recorded by Don Zimmerman and Candace West at the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California in 1975. Can interruptions not arise from other sources? By continuing you agree to the use of cookies, Edge Hill University data protection policy. You could also rework the story thus: Consider forms that differentiate by gender, in adding diminutive (belittling) affixes: actress, stewardess, waitress, majorette, usherette, and so on. But sometimes it's far more effective for a woman to assert herself, even at the risk of conflict. teacher to prepare some examples to clarify the discussion. bonkers" - though the writer appeals to an idea that he expects his readers already to hold: "I'm sure some of you know what I mean". Cameron does not condemn verbal hygiene, as misguided. Intended for healthcare professionals Turn-taking and interruption in political interviews: Margaret Thatcher and Jim Callaghan compared and contrasted. The second response is very different, and gives clear information, without being unduly technical. that show men or women in conversation - look at each of Deborah use, and prefer to hear, a direct imperative. effectively. Jennifer Coates looks at all-female conversation and builds on Deborah Tannen's ideas. Men grow up in a world in which conversation is competitive - they seek to achieve the upper hand or to prevent others from dominating them. The user names (not shown here) do not indicate the sex of the contributor - and, anyway, the forum allows users to assume a gender identity that is not the same necessarily as their biological sex. Own study showed equilibrium between men and women in interruptions. I have shown people's user names as XXXX to preserve their anonymity: This is part of a posting on a message board for men. non-sexist usage | Why are stage performers often excepted from these rules (for example, Dame Judi Dench is the widow of the late Michael Williams - she is not Mrs. And what do they call themselves? In some cases the patronizing, controlling or insulting only works because both parties share awareness of these connotations. Dinner-ladies. Professor Tannen gives the example of a Is this better than the convention in the UK, or merely a different kind of sexism? 169-175, An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language, Alan Gardiner, English Language A-level Study Guide, www.georgetown.edu/faculty/bassr/githens/covr511.htm. Below is some information about how attitudes to gender in language have developed over time. speaking. To get you started, here is an outline of part of one exam board's Advanced level module on Language and Social Contexts - there are three subjects, one of which is Language and Gender. The mother asks about it - it emerges that she has been talking you know about stuff. 174-5), argues that insulting is a means of control. Dive into the research topics of 'Interruption in conversational interaction, and its relation to the sex and status of the interactants'. Zimmerman and West produce in evidence 31 segments of conversation. Can I just borrow your dictionary? Deborah Tannen claims that, to many men a complaint is a challenge to find a solution: A young man makes a brief phone call. (The software on which this guide is written accepts bimbo but not himbo as a known form.) Interruptions in Political Interviews: A Reply to Bull and Mayer happening. This comes from a posting on a message board, found on the men's portal MenWeb at www.vix.com/menmag, listing reasons why It's Good to Be a Man. Geoffrey Beattie. It includes such things as the claim that language is used to control, dominate or patronize. 1979; Girl Group seeks very attractive slim, fifth Member/Image a must. In Russia and Iceland men, too, are known by their father's name - Stepan Arkadyevich or Haraldur Sveinsson. Others may have gender-neutral denotation (doctor, lawyer, nurse) but not gender-neutral connotation for all speakers and listeners. This can be explained in terms of claiming and keeping turns - familiar enough ideas in analysing conversation. an allusion to Neal (first man on the moon) Armstrong, that: The value of Tannen's views for the student and teacher is twofold. She gives Trudgill followed up the direct observation by asking his subjects about their speech. Interruption is not the same as merely making a sound while another is Yet Beattie's . Later she asks him about it - it emerges that he has You can try it out with this example story. The cost of the printed version includes permission for unlimited reproduction within your institution - if you expect to make multiple copies, this will probably save on your bulk photocopying and printing costs. Nature 300, 744-747. total." display of this font. The first one gives a rather flippant answer - as if she is writing in order to respond, even where she has nothing (informative) to say. emerges that she has been talking you know about stuff. Of course, there and support for their ideas. (Often, Language forms may preserve old attitudes that show men as superior (morally, spiritually, intellectually or absolutely) to women. Zandvoort (The Fundamentals of English Grammar on one card, Edward Arnold, London, 1963) allows either the male or plural form for an indefinite pronoun: Clive Grey notes that by 1900 publications tend to fall into two categories: In 1891 E.C. You can obtain a copy by clicking on the link below: Using a search engine, you will soon find resources from some of the leading contemporary authorities on the subject - Susan Herring, Lesley Milroy, Dale Spender, Deborah Tannen and Peter Trudgill, for example. Interruptions don't reflect dominance but interest and involvement 3) Deficit Approach: Women use language features that portray subordinate role. Trudgill made a detailed study in which subjects were grouped by is an internationally acclaimed psychologist, author and broadcaster. Using the phrase "promiscuous (wo)men" led to some 66,000 hits for men and 65,500 for women. "Coordinated" colours are not something objective and unchanging (they are not usually derived from optical physics or simple biology, in the way that some insects find yellow attractive) but from ideas that change from year to year. doi = "10.1515/ling.1981.19.1-2.15", Interruption in conversational interaction, and its relation to the sex and status of the interactants, https://doi.org/10.1515/ling.1981.19.1-2.15, http://www.mendeley.com/research/interruption-conversational-interaction-relation-sex-status-interactants. of women, but today this situation may be reversed so that the giving [2] A typical example, from cases and witnesses' speech. independence vs. intimacy | The writer of the fashion guide similarly makes assumptions about her readers - that they will know what Gap, Topshop, Diesel and French Connection mean. In 1906 James published an article in Harper's Bazaar entitled The speech of American women. series of grunts. important in many cultures; women have been instructed in the proper Perhaps I'll be a Mrs. Mopp,/With dusters, brush and pan./I'll scrub and rub till everything/Looked clean and spick and span." refuse to oppose the will of others openly. First, one can discuss them - to see how far they accord Against this Professor R.W. I have not shown the texts used in this example question - for two reasons: These texts and the commentary that follows show how to analyse texts in relation to language and gender. It sought to determine how. most other news organizations refer to ships as neuter. the male as norm | The fashion guide has the most explicitly conventional structure - it is an extended description, organized in paragraphs much as in a print publication, such as a general interest magazine. Professor Tannen has summarized her book You Just Don't Understand in an article in which she represents male and female language use in a series of six contrasts. Women, too, claimed to use high Yet Beattie's findings are not quoted so often as those of Zimmerman and West. Deborah Tannen has done much to popularise the theoretical study of language and gender - her 1990 volume You Just don't understand: women and men in conversation was in the top eight of non-fiction paperbacks in Britain at one point in 1992. The postings on the forum (Text 2) do not make any reference to the sex of the contributors - and there is no reason why any man should not join the forum and post a message or reply. In trying to prevent fights, writes Professor Tannen some women refuse to oppose the will of others openly. Make sure you do As long ago as 1928 Svartengren commented on the use of female pronouns to refer to countries and boats. Do some interruptions not reflect interest and involvement?". Can you identify the sex of the writer in each case? Interruptions in Political Interviews: A Reply to Bull and Mayer These can be very detailed in their examples, but here is a short outline. overlapped because they will yield to an intrusion on the conversation men - swear more, don't talk about emotions, talk about sport more, talk about women and machines in the same way, insult each other frequently, are competitive in conversation, dominate conversation, speak with more authority, give more commands, interrupt more. Remember that the title of John Gray's book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a metaphor or conceit - we don't really come from different planets. All have disapproving connotation. High-involvement speakers are concerned to show enthusiastic support (even if this means simultaneous speech) while high-considerateness speakers are, by definition, more concerned to be considerate of others. Geoffrey Beattie; Journal of Language and Social Psychology. Blonde, an adjective of colour, becomes a noun, with connotations of low intelligence. Howard Jackson and Peter Stockwell, in An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language (p. 124) do this quite entertainingly: This is not just a gender issue - these are functions (or abuses) of language which may appear in any social situation. You can find more on the O'Barr and Atkins research in Susan Githens' excellent report at www.georgetown.edu/faculty/bassr/githens/powrless.htm. which she (Jones) calls Gossip and categorizes in terms of House Talk, Scandal, Bitching and Chatting. Peter Trudgill's 1970s research into language and social class showed some interesting differences between men and women. who are told to change. Can I just take the day off school? Over about a year, keeping a (very unrepresentative) score of such comments occurring in language lessons, the uses by female students in my class outnumbered those by males (in the proportion of about 3 to 1).

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geoffrey beattie interruptions