19 Apr 2023

I dont work at 2.15am. Frances/Margrete Fredkulla/Isabelle de Valois /Jeanne Grey/Lucille Ricksen etc. In this search, I for one appreciate being corrected. The strain is there from March 2023, for both of them. True. Perhaps, as you say, this is a pattern: deceiving the public, for whatever reason. The Church of England is a natural target (soft target, perhaps) for any foreign enemy who wants to end the power of the monarchy and break up the unity of the Commonwealth. I think he hates Will nuts and best way to get to him and hurt him is by taking it out on Kate. I hope he takes a good look at himself eventually. Olivia Wilde is the woman of Harry Styles' dreams. Could these interests be behind efforts to break up Commonwealth links to UK? And comme par hasard, none of the 14 cameras inside the tunnel worked that day I wonder if well ever find out about the editorial and publishing process. The three of them could have chosen to release the interview at any time, or not release it at all, out of respect to our Queen and her family, but they did not. Some of this has come to pass: A complete split is possible between the male heirs in the United Kingdom. You have to remember Harry and Meghan did not even become engaged until November 2017. There is an article swirling around today, 6.1.23, that Harry will have to take a DNA test before he gets his inheritance from Her Majesty the Queen. What does the astrology say? Pluto does more into Aquarius in a few months. Like for eg the grey men Diana talked about, as some PR thing? Foreign politics (Incidentally, Putins spokesman Lavrov(?) So a switch to female power eventually, but not so good for poor Queen Jane! We are lucky to have a minute-accurate personal birth chart for Harold as he insisted in referring to himself in Spare. This has been a really popular point of discussion. It lines up exactly with charts for America, Russia and Ukraine. Following on from your reply about the archbishop of Canterburys alignment with Harry and Meghan, this information from the Britannia.com biographical entry on him is tantalizing: In April 2016 Welby announced that a DNA test had confirmed that his biological father was not Gavin Welby but Anthony Montague Browne, Churchills last private secretary.. Diana confided that she was becoming more and more deeply involved in a spiritual path that she not only believed was her role in this life but something she had done in a past existence. This triggers three generations: those born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Libra. Is there anything else on its way that I should prepare for? May it be full of love, prosperity and good health. He can circumvent this by buying or leasing another property. The section describes some additional features of this chart. Its a fair question, Cath. There are plenty of other clerics of different denominations that can take part. Because eclipses conceal and because of two photos in both of which Meghan looks pregnant, it is suggested that Meghan may not have carried her firstborn herself and that her pregnancy was a fake pregnancy. Can see him in a Bar, Downunder It puts Charles in a bad light. The screenplay was adapted from Malorys Le Morte DArthur. Very, very suddenly, the weather changed to a squall. Do you know the Patrick Hamilton play, about gaslighting? version of the Old Testament (our standard Hebrew MSS date only from the Renaissance). And it certainly does not explain why the celebrated house of Givenchy delivered a bridesmaid dress to Princess Charlotte, that did not fit. I do keep coming back to Harrys Sagittarius (foreign) stellium, though. Having been a Penguin Random House/Transworld author myself, actually with the two publishers Harry thanks editors and copy editors tend to go over the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, so the Taliban paragraph must have been raised more than once. Spare has been released on Mercury Retrograde, thus the complaints about mistakes in the book, which create more disruption. Hi Jessica, That could also change the allies of USA/Britain especially with small or poorer countries which maybe strategically of use in a military confrontation. I very much agree that the tragedy playing out in front of us and upon (behind) us seems very Shakespearean. Four Weddings and a Funeral, good grief! It is saying I am carrying a future royal. Thank you Janie Bee. Good grief. It looks like there is now an uprising against Anglican bishops holding their power in the House of Lords, so the plot thickens. March until July 2023 will take us as far as its possible to go, in terms of seeing the past come back to haunt Ghislaine Maxwell. Maybe that is also why we feel angry. Repercussions possibly for both subsequent weddings if any truth in it?? The clincher is Ukraine. January 31st 2018 Moon 11 Leo Sun 11 Aquarius For astrologers, many of whom are joining the discussion, youre watching transits to Uranus at 9 Sagittarius in the Ninth House in opposition to Chiron at 8 Gemini. I am out from under my rock. All very odd. She has loved studying the planets, the stars and the asteroids ever since she was a kid and its that zeal, that enthusiasm, that makes her want to help people by teaching us about it, sharing her knowledge so that we can all be empowered to live our lives to the fullest. You sound as if you have depression. Im not saying Cleos time exactly, but the deception is very real, and there are other parts of the story that likely resonate. Meghan seems to have no hint of humility, especially after being welcomed with open arms by the British and Commonwealth people, and given a multi-million pound wedding. 01/26/22 AT 8:21 AM GMT. Sounds foolhardy if true. I had a dream. The Seventh House describes her first husband, as much as Harry, so the balance of power with both changes. What and who is linking these families together besides the truth. The BBC say, quite concisely, that Harry and Meghan left Britain because of the media (well, its part of the job) and because they could not get their way with Sussex branding. It remains a dreadful tragedy but I think it is also true that Diana does a huge amount in spirit for the things she believed in, while alive. How can we not call this out? Really interesting article Jessica, My heart goes out to Harry , (I feel a kinship with him because my mother died in childbirth when I was 2 and subsequent stepmother told me herself many years later that she never saw me as part of the family.) His wife is close to Markus Anderson and Markus Anderson works for Burkle, who flew on Epsteins plane. Please correct me if I am wrong, but it makes sense that a major change / scandal or whatever is coming related to the church would affect the relations between Irland and Northern Ireland. It all seemed as elaborate, staged, artificial, highly choreographed and, these days, completely removed from the lives of ordinary people. The previous owner of the Chateau of River Rock was Sergey Grishin. I happened by fluke upon a YouTube Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDCVA_widM0&list=PL1SF5eVUCum1Y5-jWQkHivnvJBL3N4B58&index=12) of a NBS USA TV Feature by journalist Ann Curry airing secret videos of Princess Diana speaking to her speech coach Peter Settelen in 1992 (any eclipses as coverups?). Times are changing and what good would come of forbidding the heir to the throne from marrying a man if he was gay? Given the Libra patterns I am seeing in 2023, 2024 this is about the law and Anglican doctrine as much as husband and wife, King and Queen (or Queen Consort) and so on. Neil Sean also reminds us that Angela Kellys third book of her publishing deal , sanctioned by the Queen, is yet to appear karma on its way for Harry perhaps? Were not about to see women peeling onions or carts rattling up Pall Mall, but we will see the Commonwealth affected and the unity of the United Kingdom. These are my thoughts. The half in/ half out that the Queen refused. Gosh such a long time ago I expect that once it was found out that Bertie, George v and Queen Mary were determined to make her a Royal bride, her parents made sure that she didnt elope with James Stuart. Lambeth Palace. Can of worms, isnt it? I think one of the issues here is the uncertain nature of the law, and also Church law, which is open to interpretation. Apologies for the mini rant, just wanted to put this thought out. Again, thats a red flag. starts at 28 Libra (Containing Jupiter) 2 nd House starts at 25 Scorpio (Containing Pluto and North Node) 3 rd House starts at 29 Sagittarius (Containing Mars, Uranus and Neptune) 4 th House starts at 8 Aquarius (Containing Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn) 5 th House starts at 12 Pisces 6 th House starts at 8 Aries 7 th House starts at 28 I came to that conclusion with the astrology, as did Charles Carter back in the 1940s, but as a professional psychic you are picking up on the future clairvoyantly. Also apparently not doing the coronation. Wow Jessica, I log on this morning and you are spoiling us with so many fantastic new pieces of analysis! Charles. It is illegal to not to supply the correct date signed by the Archbishop. Hi Jessica, Indeed Beijing and Moscow are on team Harry & Meghan. Thanks for this insight. I also have no doubt that Markle will get what she deserves eventually. I had a very strong sense, not a feeling, but a sense of connectedness with her, but it was dark, and I knew she was angry. The fact that its her and Harry against the British Royal family is typically Libra. I then drew my daily tarot, and was quite struck to see Ace of Swords. Jessica, you have talked in the past about May 2031 being of significance with regard to Princess Charlotte being close to Archie and Lillibet. I noticed that quite high up on the thread someone asked you what would become of Prince George, his parents and his siblings. You often find Mercury Retrograde offering up the trivial problems which actually become part of the larger story sometimes an immense story. So its historic. I have a bee in my bonnet about this now, but I also have a deadline to meet for the Daily Express. Any of us who had family who lived through the Second World War in Britain or America knows how make-or-break that relationship was and how crucial Buckingham Palace was to morale and the alliance. harry styles astrology predictions. It is not far from where we live but it is out of the way somewhat. The balance of power is shifting. I agree with you, Charles and Camilla pursued their love for each other while Diana suffered. Who was king of England, the Pope or Henry? If we are about to see an echo of the Regency (last seen on the same cycle 248 years ago) he could do it. I defer to your assessment of sections being superb, with brilliant ghostwriting by Pulitzer Prizewinner JR Moehringer. Note the inner planets refer to Sun to Jupiter, as well as the Ascendant and MC, and represent the core parts of the personality. Bloodlines are part of that. You say you are not psychic, but feel he is spiritually empty. Iran has now stepped in, which is no surprise after Harrys quite deliberate admission he killed 25 Taliban. This feature may end up being most commented of 2023 on my website by the time we finish the first phase of Pluto in Aquarius (June 2023) which is the cycle behind all this monarchy malarkey. Ive not looked at the China astrology chart in terms of Andrew and Harry (astrologically, we pair them together, as both were drawn into the Leo eclipse cover-ups at the height of Trump Russia). The hive is buzzing with activity. There are further questions of whether this was the conversation W had with H, which led to the dog bowl fight. The scene changes to my then home, Bramshott Court. Town and Country magazine, November 14th 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FD-pqds3zE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6JQd31Xeok, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDCVA_widM0&list=PL1SF5eVUCum1Y5-jWQkHivnvJBL3N4B58&index=12, https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/peace-talks-plan-moves-to-reconcile-prince-harry-with-the-windsors-before-the-coronation-w3v7t6j2c, https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/328410-why-did-prince-harry-wear/amp, https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/08/prince-harry-afghanistan-deaths-spare, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11646107/Prince-Harry-slammed-giving-ammunition-Iranian-regimes-propaganda-machine.html, https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3784176-the-trouble-with-harry-and-meghan/, prediction about that way back on 17th July 2017, https://www.macleans.ca/royalty/meghan-markles-twitter-bot-network-the-whole-thing-is-a-bit-insane/, https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-astrology-show-podcast-with-jessica-adams/id1672716621, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/10/anglicans-angry-same-sex-blessings-question-justin-welby-fitness-lead, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11772769/Anglican-church-leaders-oust-Archbishop-Canterbury-head-following-blessing-sex-couples.html, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-64711815. Ive heard that rumour about Diana and Henry Herbert too. Weve not seen this since Henry VIII created the church in the first place and the issue was male heirs, male spares and divorce. Diana was laughing and Charles was urging her to be more responsible and look serious for the cameras. What we are seeing in the astrology is a necessary examination of the Church of England and family members. Julie. However, I believe she was pregnant and she did give birth both times. We all have choices. I dont know but I dont trust China anymore than I trust Russia. Days ago, Church of England bishops (after five years of wrangling) have refused to let priests marry same-sex couples.

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