19 Apr 2023

how to align list items horizontally center in css

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Which tag is used to display the numbered list * ol >, tag. min-width: 50px; How do I align the menu so that it occupies the whole width of the page. The short answer is: use CSS text-align property to align list center position in HTML. So, if anyone has succeeded at this, or fancies playing, let me know :). display: inline-block & text-align: center. CSS Horizontal Lists | UnusedCSS #topmenu { This is where the trick comes in. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. list-style: none; This page was last modified on Feb 21, 2023 by MDN contributors. How To Center A List In Html | Li Creative Is it possible to create a concave light? To align things in the Block Direction, you will use the properties which start with align-. Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? First, set the UL text-align to right. How do I center an ordered list? display:inline justify-content: space-around; The position tag set to flex enable the elements to be flexible while the justify-content tag tells the browser how to arrange the elements. In HTML, an unordered list(

    ) is mainly used for two purposes, first, to organize a group of related or similar items in an unordered fashion, and second, to make the navbars for our web applications. To make text horizontally center, you have to use text-align:center. To align text vertically center, you can use CSS property vertical-align with center as its value. How to Center Align Unordered List inside Div Using CSS In this article, we will show you different ways to make a list horizontal using CSS. You use align-content to distribute space between grid tracks, if there is free space in the grid container, and align-items or align-self to move an item around inside the grid area it has been placed in. . From the creators of Tailwind CSS. I cannot post my results as I am under a strict deadline for this particular project! We set the text-align property to "center" and specify the border . First, set the position property of the parent element to relative. The length of text in every list item varies. Just give the list centered text (e.g. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Okay Im tackling something similar but attempting to cover all bases and ensure widest usage, which is failing (it seems that css has a minor flaw, you can do A, B or C fine its when you want to do A and B that it gets difficult). min-width: 40px; /* to account for 1 - 2 list items */ @Autocrat: Here is a crack at your problem: https://css-tricks.com/examples/CenteredTextLinks/. These methods are as follows: Make a list horizontal using display property Make a list horizontal using CSS Flexbox So without further ado, let's get started. Step 3 - Remove padding and margins. Until then, Ill continue my crusade against navigation lists. If you want to make this navigational unordered list horizontal, you have basically two options: Now lets make a couple common decisions about how we want to display this menu: Now we are in trouble. The menu will be a horizontal bar, so we want to make sure that bar looks visually like a bar. Navigation is, after all, a list of sorts. I found your site on a search while looking for a myspace menu I created in my mind and went looking for a something close. All we need to do is set background and text colors according to the theme of your site/app. There are two ways to create a horizontal navigation bar. That works, but if I do that then your solution works just as well. These methods are as follows: So without further ado, lets get started. Your menu is not centered horizontally because the ul element has a default left padding of 40px. Even though there are close to 100 tags in HTML5, you usually only end up using a handful 99% of the time. It works perfectly. That is because the list items, by default, are elements with a block display and hence are taking full horizontal space. But i must admit its not a necessary code, the navigation also works without lists. How do I set distance between flexbox items? Ways to Center Align items in CSS. The center alignment places the list in the middle of the div element horizontally. We also use the align-items property with the "center" value which means that items are placed at the center of the container. How do you make a horizontal list Center and UL? Love how CSS-Tricks ranks so well against Stackoverflow lately keep up the good work Chris, Ill buy you a beer 1 day! but that dosnt seem to crack it either. Type Description Type circle In this style, the list items are marked with circles. That way you can just have a wrapping div and set the text-align to center and it will work just fine. Just give the list centered text (e.g. Edit: There's a lot of (mostly unnecessary) CSS code in there so you'll probably need to tweak a few other things before it looks right, but the floating is what's causing the non-centering at least. Ask Question Asked today. So on and so forth. Now, add the style to the div class and use the text-align property with center as its value. parentOfUl{ text-align:center;} and then ul{ display:inline-block; }, and at last li{ text-align:center; }. You can use . How to Make an Image Black and White on Hover in CSS? But i'm not getting them in a line. Then set align-items to center to perform centering on the block axis, and justify-content to center to perform centering on the inline axis. . Is the centering what you are having trouble with, or something else? Text based means slightly better SEO and Accessibility as well. IE doesnt like it when its floated. Solutions with CSS. Step 1 - Make a basic list. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? Copyrights By Li Creative Technologies - 2022. element takes up its specified width and divides equally the remaining space by the left and right margins. How do you center a bullet in HTML? Second, change the left background-position from 0 to 100% which makes the image align up with the right edge. Take my site for example: http://davidwalsh.name. YAY! It only took me 1/2 the day, but I figured it out! ul>, and font-size: whatever on the , so the gap will be rendered as 0 pixels wide. Also the <center> tag is now deprecated. }, This seems a very complicated way of going about things. Ive been using the following code as a standard for my nav, and its worked famously:
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    how to align list items horizontally center in css