19 Apr 2023

"We are leveraging our unique technology platform to manufacture a broad range of synthetic DNA-based products, including synthetic genes, tools for NGS sample preparation, and antibody . But apparently, its the next big thing. Thanks again! Very intuitive. Adam O'Dell's "Imperium" DNA Stock - Exposing What He's Teasing Green Bull Research 7.46K subscribers Subscribe 431 Share 11K views 1 year ago In this video we expose the "Imperium" DNA. And yes, I probably shouldve known that already (lol). Imperium Technology, Inc. leverages wisdom gained from years of experience and exuberance of its professional staff. So whats the story? And as I said, this one is pretty iffy as a match for ODells tease it could be somebody else, partly because I dont see any indication of meaningful connections or partnerships between APDN and titans like Monsanto and Dupont, as teased but part of Applied DNAs business is licensing out their technology, including their taggants and their authentication tools, for potential future royalties. Thanks much! Spotify is a music streaming Chat GPT Say Network Error? So Im trying to find 1 or 2 great companies to invest in that will set soar high & quick to get a nice nest egg so I can move to Tennessee, where my kids & my 1st grandson will be moving away in the next 6months-a year, Ive always had my son & daughter very close to me & see them whenever I want (only 5 mins away) & they stop all time. So what, then, is our one small company in this pitch? Those scissors are capable of editing other DNA at specific points, and allow biotech companies to edit, add or remove faulty genes responsible for diseases. With the device, doctors will be able to spot illness symptoms early and treat patients accordingly. Correy (or Corey) PA where the Climax Locomotive was made; probably not far from where this commenters 3 greats Grandfathers bank was ! Aspiring entrepreneurs and tech-savvy seekers alike have found success by harnessing its powerful data to drive their operations. There has since been at least one other genetically altered animal approved by the FDA, the GalSafe pig developed by Revivicor, but the AquaAdvantage salmon was first. Think the much more speculative penny stocks that ODell tacked onto the end of the pitch are more compelling or more frightening? Phone Number 203-221-1500. If youre looking for a great addition to your portfolio, Imperium stock is a no-brainer. ODell used to be a market technician specialist for the Harry Dent newsletters, which got dissolved and were sucked up by Banyan Hill a couple years ago, and now hes off in his own corner as the investment strategist for Money & Markets, which I guess remains either owned by or affiliated with Banyan Hill. They are my whole world & I need to find an investment which will allow me for once in my life where I dont have to worry about decent vehicle, paying my bills & so on, I dont have much money & pretty much live paycheck to paycheck (working only part-time isnt much at all, Im by far a greedy person & not looking for millions, just enough so I wont have to worry about $ again!, I just feel its time for me to be carefree with minimum worrying!) We are leveraging our unique technology platform to manufacture a broad range of synthetic DNA-based products, including synthetic genes, tools for NGS sample preparation, and antibody libraries for drug discovery and development. At least they could give you the Company name and Ticker But No. And my No. What I can say, however, is that based on what Ive learned, DNA sequencing and genomics are impacting healthcare in profound ways. And had its cylinders mounted high, a little farther out of harms way. Sequencing chip decodes DNA proton by proton - Chemistry World If you bought all three and held, you would have lost some money at this point and at the best moment, when gold peaked a couple months after those picks were pitched, you would have done roughly as well with those three stocks as if you had bought a gold goin. 1 DNA stock will be at the forefront of it all providing the microchip that will power every kind of DNA technology This particular ad is for his Green Zone Fortunes, an entry level letter ($47/yr) that profiles one stock thats in the zone each month. In addition to increasing profits and market size, this trend can also increase competition and erode profit margins. More from ODell, Ive found the No. According to Adam, the first thing he does is sort through all 8,000 U.S. stocks to rate each stock from 0-100 based on the following six factors: From there, he says he selects the single best Green Zone stock on the market and shares this with subscribers each month. He provides the full details of this company and why hes recommending it in a report that you get with a subscription to Green Zone Fortunes, but my guess is that the stock is Twist Bioscience because it matches up with the clues he provided in the presentation. Carr and his colleagues tested the effects of Mars-like radiation on a commercially available sequencing chip. An Imperium machine (AKA DNA Sequencer) reads DNA, which is made up of a sequence of six billion letters, and digitizes it so that it can be stored on a computer. This system has advanced to the point that it can predict the value of the stock market. If you mean, which company is being teased in that Imperium ad, its Twist Bioscience (TWST), which is covered in the article above. Adam says Imperium is mankinds next great leap forward and that its an era-defining technology thats set to disrupt global industries worth a total of $64 trillion in 2021. By scanning barcodes, they can read products. He then states that the U.S government is working on it and says that five billionaires are jumping on board including Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel. Ive actually written about many of Jeff Browns stock picks. Just to be clear, DNA sequencing machines already existed but they have been slow. But thats OK, theyre kidding too still worth a look . Adam ODell is pitching an Imperium machine and the world-changing returns that might come from and, as you might imagine, his favorite one small company that is the best investment play on those changes. what is the ticker for the small company making the chip. In any case, even if I am right, it could still be worth checking out his service, because that way you get Adams full analysis and breakdown on the company and why hes recommending it. Ive been following their presentation, but as usual, you have to subscribe to get more details. New Tech Projected to Launch 200,000% Market Surge I ventured into getting some shares 2 weeks ago because I needed to wrap my head around this new concept of trading non-fungible tokens. And cites a couple of main examples of this. For example, while doing the research for this article, I learned that Twist Bioscience is one of 51 holdings in an ETF I bought a while back called the Ark Innovation ETF (ARKK), which is run by Cathie Wood of Ark Invest. The company was formed in 1996 by Dr. Marvin Lasser, the Former Chief Scientist of the U.S. Army and Director of Research for Ford/Philco. Twist Bioscience (TWST) is a company based in South San Fransisco that manufactures synthetic DNA and DNA products for use in medicine, agriculture, industrial chemicals, and data storage. If Imperium technology improves how we connect to the internet, its stock could rise five times as fast as it does now. Imperium Technology, Inc. values a diverse workforce . I've researched 100s of stock advisories since, and there's still only one service I recommend. Lets see what other clues ODell drops, We are at the cusp of [Imperium] really entering the mainstream. MIT Scientist. The Imperium device will help scientists analyze DNA more quickly. Adam O'Dell's "Imperium" DNA Stock - Exposing What He's Teasing Titans made out of their stubborn persistence in early even midget industries ! Illumina. He also says that hes found the No. My guess is that if this is ever going to become a viable business, it will have to be much, much larger Salmon farming is huge, but its mostly done in sea cages in the fjords in Norway, at vastly larger scale than any tank farm could ever approximate. (LOL-nom de plume). So it looks like a great company. P.S. For more information, read our disclaimer and privacy policy. Metasens, the metaverse project under Imperium Technology Group (0776.HK, the Group), announced today that its native utility token MSU is now listed on the institutional-grade cryptocurrency. Gene therapy also relies on this technology. Btw, do you have any articles on Jeff Brown, and Louis Navellier? Adam O'Dell Imperium Stock: What Is Imperium? - No BS IM Reviews! The first true point-of-need Next-Generation Sequencing company. Whether or not the stock soars from here, I dont know, and the science is beyond my pay grade but they do have partnerships with a lot of large tech leaders (yes, including Illumina, also an early investor and strategic shareholder of Twist, I think they still own about 3.5% of the company and Ginkgo, which was by far Twists largest customer in its early years and probably still is, though they only represent roughly 10% of TWST revenue now), they do have a visionary leader and see a huge potential market for their synthetic biology products and testing equipment and services, and the potential to expand pretty quickly as they build their Factory of the Future facility in Portland and, yes, they have been a top holding in Cathie Woods ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG) for most of the past year, and the Ark funds are one of TWSTs largest owners, so they have gotten a fair amount of attention for that (even with Woods star falling a bit these days). Hoodat? Currently, it is used in a variety of fields, including research. No spiders needed. Please see our privacy policy, terms of use, and affiliate disclosure to learn more. ONCE ONE GETS YOU HUNDREDS MORE PICK UP ON IT AND START SENDING MORE $ REQUESTS. Meaning it will literally be the greatest investing mega trend in history. See Killing Cancer, Not People for more on epigenetics. Insects become weakened as a result of these fungi consuming their nutrients and eventually overwhelm their hosts. Imperium Technology Group Limited (IPGGF) is almost $2/share. Recently, he discussed Imperium Technology, an innovative artificial intelligence platform with exciting applications in many industries. Contact Email info@imperium.com. Would love your thoughts, please comment. A machine that scans your DNA and converts it into digital form so it can be stored on a computer. In addition to being a core component of our physical makeup, DNA is also a vital component of this technology. That means they grow the salmon in filtered pools that simulate the wild environment so they dont even need a wild body of water! And provides the full details on the company hes recommending in a report titled The Next Intel: The Microchip Company Powering the 199,000% DNA Mega Trend. To access the report, however, you first need to subscribe to his service, Green Zone Fortunes, for $47. Put in a GTC order to sell this scam at a price slightlt higher than you paid for it. Never thought Id see it mentioned here on Gumshoe! And Im fairly confident I know what it is. Analysts are guessing that revenues will double again by 2023, and they are getting progressively more efficient, with better gross margins and lower selling and R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue, so there is certainly a possibility that they can grow into this valuation but that improvement has been pretty gradual, not fast enough to let us imagine that the company has any hope of becoming profitable in the next couple years. What Is Imperium Technology, And How Do They Work? - Webnews21 They can afford to burn the cash to scale up the business, they raised a bunch of money in the past few years (about $750 million, of which roughly $450 million in cash is left as of last quarter), so they should be in good shape as long as they can continue to make traction with new customers and keep the revenue line rising. It is a DNA Sequencer that reads DNA and digitizes it (codes it as '1s' and '0s') for storage on a computer. And according to Adam, this method has been outperforming the market 3-to-1: the average closed gain is an incredible 31% with an average hold time of a little over 3 and a half months with top gains like 124% in five months, 100% in two months and 91% in four months. No? Its free. In other words, Imperium technology can assist us in the repair of genetic diseases. The first time scientists sequenced all the DNA inside a single person, it took 13 years and cost $2.7 BILLION. I did some checking, and according to World History Encyclopedia, Imperiumis the authority held by magistrates and promagistrates to command the Roman army. Does Spotify have ads? Apple Innovation Strategy What Makes it Stand Out? Imperium, Inc. | SelectScience The PE ratio (or price-to-earnings ratio) is the one of the most popular valuation measures used by stock market investors. The private company created to market this technology, that allows for biological processes to be controlled remotely and opens the door to the potential manipulation of our biological responses. I originally published a teaser solution for this Adam ODell pitch on April 12, 2021, and the ad still carries a February 2021 date but despite that date, the pitch has been modified a bit over the past year, its being re-circulated heavily again. Imperium, Inc. was formed in 1996 to supply products which generate images which can be easily understood by end users. In ODells words: This breakthrough microchip means my No. this still doesnt let me see the stock name. It is at $4 a share now, but thanks to those splits the shares have lost about 99% of their value since they were teased as a huge 19-cent opportunity by Patrick Cox a decade ago and its still a tiny company, with a market cap of about $30 million. This speculative play teased by ODell is AIM ImmunoTech (AIM), and like Twist its a lot cheaper now than it was when he was pitching the story in February (it was around $2.10 back then, its now back below a dollar). With Imperium at our fingertips, living smarter just got easier! I dont know about you, but all of this made me a little skeptical. Marion This device increases the efficiency, and lowers the cost, of sequencing a person's DNA. Imperium technology opens up a wealth of possibilities, enabling us to control lighting levels and temperature, remotely manage security systems and even program appliances like ovens and washing machines through mobile apps. With the support of tech giants like Elon Musk, Imperium is sure to be the wave of the future. Color me skeptical, mostly because Ampligen has been through 15 years of failure to get approved drama, but at least expectations are very low now so perhaps theres room for some cockeyed optimists to dig in and see if they find a gem. Sennik What is Imperium Technology? Adam O'Dell's #1 DNA Stock - What The Heck Is "Imperium" Technology? We get the rundown of usual suspects who are involved, a list of names that is typically meant to inspire confidence: Jeff Bezos recently added to a $100 million investment, Bill Gates investment fund is contributing to a $429 million investment saying Imperium is one of the most powerful technologies of the 21st century, Mark Zuckerbergs $3 billion fund is heavily backing Imperium, And Peter Thiel a man that Forbes, Fortune and the New Yorker all call the best tech investor in history Hes adding to a $110 million investment.. He believes that once properly harnessed, Imperium has the potential to revolutionize our daily lives by providing powerful tools to tackle complex problems and make tasks simpler for both businesses and individuals. As expected from the impressive mind behind companies like SpaceX, Elon is confident that this technology will help provide unprecedented levels of insight into business operations and processes. What King of E-Fracking Stock Is Andy Snyder Teasing? Magzica is an online magazine for Global Entrepreneurs, Large and Medium Enterprise Owners, Technologist, Marketers, Small Business Owners and Enthusiastic Online Readers. Thanks for the well-written, always well-researched piece! Imperium technology provides a unique opportunity to get ahead of the competition. Expensive story stock, but its a pretty interesting story as they try to build a synthetic biology powerhouse. Its the first DNA-edited animal approved for consumption by the FDA. I have a hard time taking the company seriously after looking at previous teases, but I guess nothing is impossible the best quick overview is probably from their investor presentation last summer if youd like to learn a little more about the company. what is the marketing dept doing to promote the machine to the medical field or to the law system lets get it going111. With more than a 50% gain thus far, I find investor interest to be much more than I anticipated. Thank you for facts! Imperium is a technology that reads a person's DNA sequence. Ive sold off some on the way out and sold $30 calls against the balance of my position. Adam does provide a lot of clues about the company hes recommending in the presentation though, so I did some digging to see if I could figure out what hes recommending. You have entered an incorrect email address! With just a few steps, any user can take advantage of Imperiums highly-tailored solutions and tap into cutting edge technologies like AI, machine learning, blockchain, and more. Not sure what to think about all of this DNA/Imperium hype. When I am not working, I enjoy reading, exploring the beauties of nature, and eating delicious food. This company has been around for 30 years or so, with lots of ups and downs as their primary drug, Ampligen, rose hopes of cancer and chronic fatigue patients but failed to get FDA approval, though it never really took off dramatically (the market cap is around $50 million right now, it has spiked above $200 million a couple times). Those people are not all invested in the same company, of course, but those are references to DNA-related investments those bigwigs have made, particularly into companies that are synthesizing DNA like Peter Thiels backing of Synthego or Bill Gates bet on Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA). Quick question. Go here to see my #1 recommended stock advisory service, Go here for my no. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please note: By submitting a comment using the above comment form, you confirm that you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this site as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Dont know if theyll succeed, and theyre not growing fast enough to make it an easy buy but if youre interested in the long-term trajectory of the business and not just in the stock price momentum, its a lot more palatable at $80 than it was at $200. IMPERIUM is a technology that helps organizations conduct security audits and manage them. Providing accurate information about investments is among the most exciting uses of Imperium technology. So even if the long-haul COVID-19 trial doesnt work out, this company could still be a great investment.. OK, so thats just a quote from Illumina CEO Francis deSouza (yes, he did go to MIT though hes been a tech executive for 30 years since then), and the quote is now three years old. Theyre growing now, but youll probably have to have either some imagination or a good store of patience to see those businesses blooming into something large. https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/04/01/these-3-stocks-will-make-you-a-fortune-if-they-suc/?source=eptyholnk0000202&utm_source=yahoo-host&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=article, TWST is part of ARKG that is correct but they have sold in the last 2 months almost half of the position. How Can it Make us Rich? I was able to confirm that a company called Twist Bioscience have a patent for heated nanowells and this news release shows that Dr. Robert Carnahan was referring to Twist Bioscience in the above quote. MY SPAM OR JUNK MAIL FOLDER RECEIVES AT LEAST 400-500 A DAY. It would be possible to eliminate genetic diseases like cancer, Alzheimers, hepatitis, and many others if we understood how human DNA works and functions. Tangent, lawyer-farmer investor sounds like a real-life Green Acres ( TV show ). There are varying types of scissors.. The first-generation DNA sequencing technology named "Sanger method" contributes to the birth of commercial DNA sequencers in 1986 ( Hunkapiller et al., 1991 ), followed by the second-generation sequencing technologies (also known as the next-generation sequencing, NGS) with high-throughput, low measurement cost, and short read length ( The technology has been used in farming for more than 50 years. In fact, Illumina is a world leader in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. My positive attitude and tireless energy allow me to keep up with the latest news. Green Zone Fortunes is a monthly research service headed up by Adam ODell of Money & Markets, which is aimed at showing you how to rapidly grow your net worth..

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imperium dna technology