19 Apr 2023

Finally on October 15,1965, we received the construction plans for the base. I am also looking for any pictures or information about Michael Corbin and James (Jimmy) Corbin. He went back to school when he got out in 1970 and he wrote a paper on agent orange. Hotspots - AOR: Agent Orange Record I have a photo of Agent Orange barrels located in the Thai Army Camp area .An Ariel view of our camp in its early stages show that it wasnt cleared by machinery only. I was stationed in Korat, Thailand at Camp Friendship from 22 Mar 67 to 7 Mar 68. Branch of service: I was stationed at Phu Mu, Thailand, 207th Signal Company from May 1966-March 1967. In case i need to do a subsequent reconsideration. He was NCOIC of Jag claims office. I was at Takhli Jan 1966-1967. Still took a year, but rating was finally approved. I want this information for a family history that I am writng. I am a former marine semper fi. I asked my brother many times about his experiences while at Udorn. Installations and Facilities in Thailand by the 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion. I would like the coordinates of Company C if possible. In other words letting us die and saving money for the Government. Filed a VA claim for A/O exposure with prostate cancer. Would like to correspond with anyone that was there during that time period. Near the entrance to the base are ruins of a Cham temple, reportedly built in the 12th Century. Borrowed in absentia may be better suited. Apache. Over the years I became Diabetic, have issues with my thyroid, heart. He was my grandmas first husband who unfortunately he didnt come home, and it was my understanding maybe he was a POW? Shame on you. Im pretty sure his name was Dick Rose but they cant seem to find record of the incident. Came back with No Health problems. How do I post an official U.S. government map of Udorn RTAFB on this page? Additionally I had multiple attacks of Dysentery due to poor food storage and preparation. I was told if I was in Vietnam regardless where I would receive full benefits. Phan Rang Air Base - Wikipedia there was a sattahip underwater cable that was blown up during my year there and all communications from that were rerouted thru warin ics. Possible exposure due to Department of Defense herbicide tests and storage at military installations in the United States and at locations in other countries, and locations added by the PACT Act. I lived on the perimeter road where the Pathit Lao sappers broke through. One day the foliage at the end of the runways was green the next brown. The squadron returned to Australia in 1971, having been deployed overseas for a total of 13 years.[13]. Was stationed at Udorn 621st TCS from Feb 69 to March 70 Did a month as Security Police Augmentee. I was one of approximately 60 of the last US forces to leave the base in late March, 1972. As we all well know how hot it was and on that day the bone yard was stinking to high heaven. The cement barracks and the hospital were also in that area. The base, predating the arrival of American forces, is depictedon the mapAmphoe Ta Klhi, Sheet 5060 I,AMS Series L708, which is shown below. La tribune, jeudi 27 dcembre 2018 | BAnQ - numerique.banq.qc.ca Spent many years guilty for Genocide. I was in the Air Force in Thailand from May 66 to May 67. I was stationed on hill nut dot with the 518th signal company providing communications for the base. Phan Rang Air Base - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia Serve at the Rose Garden Thailand Marine If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, I was there 1969-1970 as hydraulic mechanic. One of the nicest persons Takhli was just a small air base when I served there, and we did get close to the jungle. Branch of service: And that is absolutely not right! I also was a staff sergeant and we lived in the airmen barracks at the front of the base. I was with the 601 Photo Squadron, if anyone else was in the unit or in NKP during that time you are more than welcome to Contact me Thanks for your service and Welcome home, Jerry Bruns since you worked on the trim pad, can we talk about how close the pad was to the perimeter? looking for anyone that was in 388 transpotation squadron at korat air force base. The maps that I have shows the flightline, NCO housing, Mars Station (used a lot wife pregnant) and my jogging pretty much covered being within that 500 meter no safe zone. My father did 30 years service for his country without a blemish on his record. Issued generators were not up to the task when all the boom boxes were plugged in. Stationed camp friendship 1965-1966.538 engineers.Anybody left sure would be nice too hear from you. Its nasty with blisters and incurable. that was a hectic night as i was on CQ that night.I submitted written and photo evidence to that fact.. It was of interest to me to read the numerous stories by military personal who had a part in the operation of the Phan Rang Air Base. Remember playing softball in the field attached to the base. The station facilities are located near the base of rugged jungle-clad mountains to the west. Our Bgg case Camp was nothing but red dirt in summer months and red mud during rainy season. the perimeter lines make a point at the location if that helps. No approval from higher authority was needed. Also did guard duty 3 times on the outskirts of the base when we were on high alert, not listed on my record. In addition spouses, siblings or any relative of a veteran or other interested parties are welcome including foreign nationals either employed at the base or Vietnamese nationals . Spent many days and night working launch and recovery of the F4s. Worked on the trim pad. He passed away on 08/06/2020. A bright spot in my life. we supported lima site 11 in paske laos and were the main relay tropo communications station between vietnam and thailand. I dont think it was too long after I left, the 62nd moved and became a land clearing unit. And looking for anyone that was stationed during that time. 12th AF. I am a indochina vet myself, says it on my dd-214, Thank you so much great information that Ive never known about. Was sent TDY from both other assigned locations flying as a aircrew member to locations in Thailand as well as Rep of S Vietnam. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service may be eligible for a variety of VA benefits, including an Agent Orange Registry health exam, health care, and disability compensation for diseases associated with exposure. He smiled and remarked that my brother worked for the CIA, just as he had. I had heart surgery in 2017. The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. If your work area, was in the outer perimeter you may get approved. I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). F-100 destroyed by direct mortar impact in cockpit (May 1969). Worked both flight line which included trips to do end of runway checks, which was on the perimeter of the base. R diagnosed to Multiple System Atrophy in 2011 Does anyone recall specialists like me flown in for TDY on complex Voodoo repairs? I worked 6th APS SCOOT (Support Cambodia Out of Thailand) Dec73 to Oct74. He was in 1980 Comm Sq at Tahkli as a Comm Control Specialist in 1966. Phan Rang had a large storage area, as most bases did, where general supplies were stored. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); These blogs are governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. As a K9 I was on the perimeter and at the off-base bomb dump and Kennels throughout my assignment there. This is where recovered crashed or DBR aircraft were stored. Phan Rang AB Air Base, RVN On 26 January , 1969 a sapper, mortar, and rocket attack was launched against Phan Rang AB. Once little more than a provincial airfield, the base expanded to 2350 acres (95 1 hectares) with two 10.000 ft (3048 m) asphalt runways with concrete touchdown pads, parallel taxiways, and a heliport. Would like to find Maj. OB and others that knew him & me. Considering the amount of inquiry around this matter, findingofficial maps that offer highly-detailed depictionsof the locationswhere Americans were based in Thailand and that were madeduring the Vietnam warhas proven elusive, even at the Library of Congress. were classified (?). Le Vit Nam, Viet Nam, Vietnam ou Vitnam, en forme longue la rpublique socialiste du Vit Nam (en vietnamien : Vit Nam couter et Cng ho X hi Ch ngha Vit Nam couter) est un pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, situ l'est de la pninsule indochinoise.Il fait galement partie de la sinosphre (sphre culturelle chinoise), aussi appele sphre culturelle d'Asie de l . VMFA232 comm/nav/ident. This lack of concern and out right lies by the Gov. need any pictures of Phitsonulok perimeter showing the burnt vegitation just dia with prostrate cancer. My father SMSGT Gene Rocheleau was stationed at Korat AFB from June 1967 to April 1968. I would suggest starting at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1894942467450627 , asking for advice and going from there. There had been an attack in 1968 and they sprayed the base perimeter with AGENT ORANGE as a result. Largely inspired by the British use of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D ( Agent Orange) during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s, it was part of the overall herbicidal warfare program during the war called "Operation Trail Dust". Any base names (or state) that he may have been trained or stationed: Susanne Bostick Allen. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be 5, 3 ARRGp with a total of 23 airmen. I prepared a 72 page sworn affidavit with 72 pages of proof of HERBICIDE exposure at all the four bases I was assigned. My brother was the very best brawler I have known so I still find it hard to believe that he would have been badly injured in any kind of brawl. Agent Orange was employed around many of these airfields andother U.S. installations in Thailand. I placed a claim through the VA for hearing loss and type 2 diabetes..The VA denied my claim and said they had no record of my unit ever being in VietnamHow can that beMy whole squadron , including all our aircraft were there for 6 monthsThey say I NEVER HAD BOOTS ON THE GROUND in Vietnam..which is not true at all.I WAS THERE.any helpful hints out there.I need to contact a local VSO here in Florida. Veterans, So far my atty its winning my case-Ischemic heart disease from exposure to herbicides at Udorn RTAFB-APR 69-APR70. Was at Takhli from 7/67-7/69 and U-Tapao from 9/68-9/69. I went to Amphitheatre High School during the Vietnam War and had a high school choir teacher, Mr. FUNK. I have document from 56th CES at NKP showing that the perimeter was sprayed in 1971. I was in the 417TFS. With credentials, youll be invited to join. But in the case of veterans who served solely in Thailand,the Veterans Administration states: To receive benefits for diseases associated with herbicide exposure, these Veterans must show on a factual basis that they were exposed to herbicides during their service as shown by evidence of daily work duties, performance evaluation reports, or other credible evidence.This writer notes that the policyis source of debate, anger, and frustration for some American militaryveterans and their families. I installed /operated Tropo Scatter TRC-90s near Udorn and at Royal Thai Airbase in Udorn. He was Avionics Maintenance but Im not sure of the squadron Name. He never talked much about his time there but my mom remembers him telling her he was never more scared in his life than when he was stationed at Udorn. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB from Nov 1968 to Nov 1969. USAF 2 years in Danang,Phu-Chat,Vietnam,Ubon Thailand the Government could care less about our health problems take you Oxicodone and shut up, and thats if they will even send it to you thats Our Reward for going to war ! I served in USAF at Sagion Tan Son Nhut AFB in 1964,I worked in large tent about a 100 yrs from the pad where an C123 transport was maintained and I pasted by the plane twice a day if it not out spraying Agent Orange.The plane nose was named Old Patches because it fly low ans slow over the tree tops doing its mission.I remember men would stand in the back of a duce and quarter filling the planes tank with agent orange by using a hand pump from a 55 gal drums.I remember seeing the stuff over flow from the drums and pump onto the ground.These men wore no protective gear the fuseledge of the plane would covered from spraying runs.Back in the 60s there were no Hazmat warning,and no one knew a lust green jungle one the day,a few days later dead.I remember taking Hughy out along the Makong river and both side of the river were dead seems like a mile on each side.The stuff really works.I my heart I feel those men are not with us today having working in those conitions.I was told Agent Orange was shipped to war in Cargo ships by the the thosands of drums.Udorn AFB was the same around the base on a fly in there.By now all those Airman are dead and I guess there still a need for more proof. 3. To David Sorensen and Karen Whitfield, "Happy Valley" - Phan Rang AB, Vietnam - Facebook VA has given me my hearing aids. I am not sure where he ended up, thought it was Saigon, but told us some interesting stories. 22 A photograph of the base perimeter of Phan Rang Air Base at the time I returned to the States on a 30-year nondisclosure. Had some great guys in our hootch . My dad. I was stationed at Udorn from 1973-74. Will enjoy hearing from anyone I played cards with, traveled into town, shared drinks, swam in the ocean, When I told them I figured it out they said, Too Late!, I served at U-Tapao royal thai airfield from 1968-1969. And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. Now suffer nerve damage, terrible neuropathy and diabetes so far. I have had Diabetes for years and diagnosed with Gleason 6 Prostrate Cancer. Are there any others who served on LT2075 on here? Nor can I prove that 42 months of continual sunburn was the trigger that caused the outbreak of Vitiligo. I was first denied by the VA, but quickly GRANTED a VA Disability when the Dale K. Graham Veterans Foundation required a higher level review. Thanks. Service number: (used before SS#s) 3 years in Thailand, A-O was used, no exposure? It was an honor and pleasure serving with you guys. I remember Thailand being one of the enlistment options at that time. I was in the Marine Corps stationed on MCAS Rose Garden in Nam Phong, Thailand with Task Force Delta from May 28, 1972 to April 14, 1973. and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. After reading all the comments by my fellow veterans. VA has denied a claim. 20 years after I am dead they will figure it out that I should have at least been tested. Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) or basic description (truck driver, mechanic, pilot etc) I believe they have concluded all of us had exposure to AO no matter where we were stationed but they are in denial the AO is responsible for all three types of skin cancer I have. The FLR-9 The US deployment came home in 75, but the Thais around the areas of the bases were exposed to it continuously then and since. The content of all comments is released into the public domain Weve recently added historical records from Phan Rang (also The Fire Station number one Crash station was in outer perimeter. The disagreements outcome became known as Palace Lightning, and I wound up at Kunsan AFB. In response to veterans and their families suffering fromthe effects of Agent Orange, the U.S. government makes a presumption of exposure forthosewho served on land in Vietnam for the purpose of filing a claim with the Veterans Administration. My question: What are the duties my brother most likely carried out? It is hard for me to believe that AO does not potentially blow over the whole base due to wind currents. (70-71) FLEW 50+ MISSIONS OVER LAOS AND CAMBODIA. I have been denied any benefits for Agent Orange and my health is failing loosing my motor skills and quality of life. I was part of a TDY B-52 crew out of Beale AFB Flying missions out of U-Tapao. Any number of clues that you might have, or can get, may trigger better questions or hopefully answers! Takhli Thailand is the only location the Va has been able to find in the records as I was stationed there and have been denied service connection. We also rehab the existing Phan Rang airstrip for air crago use. I am trying to find out what they sprayed the antenna field with to keep the weeds down. He worked on the flightline with the bombs. My late husband, served with the Air Force at Korat AFB in 1972-73 and U-Tapao RTAFB in 1974-75. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Over the years of this writers service at the Library of Congress, veterans and their families have sent me questions about maps that show the locations of U.S. forces in Thailand during the Vietnam War. I served in USAF at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th Fighter Wing MOS 461 Munitions. I believe theres another reunion in the works for 2024. I need photos showing proximity of engine shop at Ubon. Go to https://www.militaryvideo.com/ to purchase the entire video, or to see movie. Dont give up. When I first arrived at Utapao in late 1969 the klong had lots of vegetation growing along the banks. Bladder Cancer is not a recognized disability from Dioxin exposure. They both came home, one addicted to drugs( recovering) and they have PTSD and refuse to talk about Vietnam. Our shop truck would pull up to the plane and we downloaded our stuff and proceeded to the well-guarded shop. God Bless, and good luck on the benefit that you so deserve. Made many trips to Bangkok for the Officer and NCO Clubs. This is the first I have heard about possible AO exposure in Thailand for some who served there, depending on their MOS / AFSC, or requirements to work perimeters. I used a 3 day pass to go to Pattyah Beach also during my time in Korat. We were located 81K from Korat in the mountains, in the jungle. Security Police Squadron, Me too 35th SPS, Heavy Weapons He told my sister he worked on the perimeter of the base and we have pictures of big communications antennas. The club house building is still intact and pretty much original, although the barracks block is long gone. I am a Vietnam vet 68-69 and asking for a friend of mine who was in Udorn from 71-72. he was in Vietnam for one week in Bien Hoa at the end of April 71 and he is looking for anyone who may have possibly been there as well. The book is loaded with pictures of his fellow Marines and others. I was with 53 trans in sattihap .67 thru 68 we h..auled cargo and bombs to utapo A B and other places.agent orange was shipped to air bases.69 and 70 i was running the roads in convoys got sprayed with agent orange.i have problems claimed denied in 1970 when i reired .we got a prblem with the VA. I was a canine dog handler along the flightline and base parameters and one of my most common memories was the smell of the chemical agents to kill vegetation and the mosquito foggers. Leg and arm muscles are wasting away. Hiding behind my Video camera I have interviewed over 100 war veterans for the Veterans History Project, Library of Congress.There have been hundreds of project for Veterans and our community. Misc. Phan Rang Photos - 71st SOS James Roy Fadden served in Vietnam is there any information on him? I was in the 311th Air Commando Sq/311th Special Ops Sq July 68 to July 69 as a Loadmaster on C-123Ks, SSgt. Pulled secret overseas supporting to CIA air operations out of Korat then Ubon AFB, Thailand doing bombing runs into Laosnumerous episodic exposures to jet fuel, persistent exposure to jet exhaust in the barracks, and regular exposure to Agent Orange. Have photos of hutches we stayed in but va claims they could be from any base. Im a granddaughter whos grandfather served in a recon unit in Udorn, Thailand in 1961. Was My dad there S/sgt Billie Leroy Roth lost June 27 1965. newsletters that have been collected and shared to a Facebook page dedicated to Stationed at NKP Thailand 67-68, worked at Task Force Alpha, located out from the base in the jungle. Thankfully, he is still around. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. I guess our government is waiting for us to die off. diepkienhuy.com Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Was on TDY Mar through Aug 1973 (from Nellis AFB) Worked out of POL as a Flightline Monitor. Fowler was our NCOIC. Why is it that I do not know any of your names.Agent oj, Same time, Da Wolf Man! 47TFS. hope this goes to Jerry Kinard. I finally will see a Judge on these appeals on 11-20-20. Thank you, I do believe that some health issues I have may be AO related. given the vietnam service medal and our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross. Greatly appreciate any information. Lived in the old barracks with no windows just screen. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. I was in crew 9 VP17 US Navy.I need help from anyone who had a similar experience. You could perhaps try other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that allow for two way communication. My first husband was a Marine aircraft mechanic and flew numerous missions as a 50 cal gunner during 68-69 . That was my last normal EKG (Bradicardia, Neg T-waves, etc). I applied for AO service connection, but was denied because I was not stationed on the perimeter of the bases. If he was stationed in Vietnam, a base name or Corps (I, II, III or IV) area: I also worked on the flight line working on the AC-130s but the VA didnt care one bit.. yesterday i received my summery of case with a flat denial on my second appeal.. I had a heart attack at 31 and then a major one at 49 and my heart doctor claims my problems were because of agent orange. Surgey for tumor removal and repair of a broken humorus bone from the tumor., radiation, and 6 months of intensive high dose chemo. Beautiful ancient old city. Lived and jogged on perimeter everyday. Thanks. I was TDY to Utapao AB in 1968. I also survived Brain Surgeries 20-years later. he came hone, and finally retired after 28 years, in 1979. 37. He passed away in 2020 of lung cancer. Michael Corbin and James (Jimmy) Corbin. The other manned by Mike Herbert and Bob Carver on 3 Nov 1970 disappeared without trace and were not recovered for 39 years in 2009 and their remains were returned to be buried in their home towns. The latter group was composed of U.S. government civilian personnel, such as ambassadorial staff, intelligence analysts, contractors, and others. Note: This does NOT include US Army helicopter or ground applications, or any form of the insecticide programs by the Government of Vietnam, or the US military. 379th signal battalion in Nov 1970 to Nov 1971. Does anyone know where the Doctors living quarters were or have a map of the base showing the living quarters? Click the .pdf icon on the left to open the Agent Orange Information. Stage 7 prostate cancer myself along with three auto immune diseases. That was a small air Base. I said no way . A lot of memories from 52 years ago. I was at UBON in 1965. USAF fighter-bombers first arrived in late1961. Cartographic information for the series was gathered from aerial photography conducted in the 1950s. Just Broke 90, The 1969 map you found, a great source, lists the UTM coordinates for the facilities, but not in a format Ive ever seen, two letters and four digits (e.g. They made short order in turning that sh-t hole into livable for us Marines. Any USAF personnel assigned to 56th Transportation Sq at NKP 1967-68 who was exposed to AO and suffering from the effects of that exposure? Painted F-4s. Systoms for Any suggestions would help. On 22 Dec 1966 Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt announced that No 2 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force would be sent to Vietnam from their base in Malaysia. I met a lot of you folks as we took requests that ranged from the music of Chicago, Blood Sweat & Tears, etc. I can find very little regarding this base and their duties there. IWCS TERMINAL , JOINTLY MANNED BY US ARMY AND PHILCO FORD CONTRACTORS . I believe I have bladder cancer as a result of exposure to AO. After his discharge, David was adamant about not disclosing the nature of his duties, citing a written and signed document that prevented him from doing so. Any advice is appreciated. rats n tower with bug. Crisp..Thank you. The base was surrounded by jungle.

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phan rang air base agent orange